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Copyright © 2005,
Bruno Andrighetto

Lists of my Favourite Things

Making lists is an interesting way to pass the time. Judging by Amazon's Listmania, list-making seems to be a popular thing to do. Whether it's a list of things that one likes or hates, I guess it's a form of self-expression.

Reading other people's lists of things they like can often provide pointers to things that I should look into. For example, if someone has similar music taste to my own, I would consider looking into works by other artists on their list that I may never have heard before.

This section of my web site is devoted to lists of my favourite things, grouped by category. Currently the lists focus on "artistic" works. I started listing my favourite music CDs back in 1997. In fact, "my favourite music CDs" page was one of only four pages on my original web site. The films and novels lists are more recent additions to my site, and unlike the CDs, I haven't rated the individual items.

