List of our Clients (Malaysia)

No Name of Clients Description of Work Invoice Value(RM) Completed Date
1 Kosas Bhd To Supply & Install 01 units of Lowara Pump(2HP) 4,425.40 09/09/94
2 Kosas Bhd To Supply & Install 01 units of Lowara Pump(2.5 HP) 3,425.00 27/09/94
3 UKM Bangi To Supplu & Install 01 unit of Generator radiotor(Engine Cummins NT 855 GC) 7,885.00 31/10/94
4 UKM Bangi To Supply Install & Lay "Pildcsta 185 MM2 Cable" from Switchgear(HFU) to the transformer. 19,750.00 03/02/95
5 UKM Bangi To Supply & Install 01 unit of T/charger, overhaul fuel pump.overhall goverment & servicing the genset(Engine; Cummins KTA-1150-G1) 10,980.00 19/06/95
6 Farina Sdn Bhd To Supply & Install 02 unit of DB-3 Phase 12 ways 2,710.00 28/06/95
7 UKM Bangi To Supply & Install 01 unit EFC Governor,lower voltage relay &timer relay for AMF Switchboard and normal Servicing (Cummins NTA-855-GC) 5,340.85 21/08/95
8 Intra Kota Consolidated Bhd To Supply 30 pcs each of fuel filter,Hydraulic filter & airfilter for Intra Kota Buses(P/0-0279 Fleetguard) 3,384.00 14/11/95
9 UKM Bangi To Install back an overhaul PSG goventor, calibrated fuel pump,replaced engines filters,change engine oil & test run the genset (Engine;Cummins NTA-855 GC) 3,719.30 22/09/95
10 SJ Kenderaan Sdn Bhd To Supply & Install 01 unit of 6BT 5.9 Cummins fuel pump(P/O KL 09192) 5,397.12 28/09/95
11 Intra Kota Consolidated Bhd To Supply 05 sets of brake value Assy repair kit (P/O:0619) 1,249.00 6/10/95
12 Intra Kota Consolidated Bhd To Supply 30pcs each of fuel filter,oil filter,hydraulic filter & air filter(P/O:0621) 3,394.00 9/10/95
13 Intra Kota Consolidated Bhd To Supply 10 sets of brake value Assy repair kit (P/O:0637) 2.498.00 9/10/95
14 Intra Kota Consolidated Bhd To Supply and install 01 sets each of upper engine gasket and lower engine gasket(P/O:0637) 941.30 9/10/95
15 UKM-perubatan jalan Termeloh K.L To Calibrate wiring system vide AMF switchboard.Supply 01 unit of nickel cadmium battery(24V) & carryout servicing(Engine Dorman-60KVA) 12,710.50 16/10/95

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