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BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20

I have created this page specifically for the newest Paid for Reading Email Companies.  The following companies are in the order which I would recommend signing up for them.  Top of page (Sign up First), Bottom of page (Sign up Later). 
This is based on what I know about the company:
- Are they paying? 
- How much they are paying!
- And my own impression of how likely you are to actually receive cash money from them!

This Page was last Updated on 10/19/00


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YoYoMail   An exciting new paid to read email company by BZCOM.   They give you a web based email account plus they pay you for the emails that you and your referralls receive.  A very professional company.  Sign up today!!!



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Dollars4Mail   Cool!!, Get $10.00 free to open a free email account PLUS get paid even more when you receive message from advertisers.  This company is currently paying and sending out paying emails.  Sign up Today! (10184 bytes)   Another new paid to read email company.  Seems to be a really good company.  They are truly international.  Be sure to click english on the first page unless you know German fluently :)



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ReadClick  One of the best new paid to read email companies.  Very professional.  Sign up today and start getting paid to read emails.  They are currently paying.



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E-Cash   This website may not look like anything special BUT they are!!  E-Cash promises that they will send out at least 4 ads per week, ranging from $0.05 per ad to as much as $3.50 per ad.  Along with their great pay-rates and three levels of referrals there is GREAT potential to make some BIG $$$$




ZosMail   They pay you for MANY different things including reading email $.05, clicking to a website $.05, filling out a questionare $.10, watch a video ad $.50, and up to $10 to fill out surveys!!!!

Please Use Referral ID: ddy474




Payolaemail   Hmmm.. not much to say about this company.   They are another Paid to Read email company.  Right now they do not look very professional or organized but that may change.  Check out the website and sign up if you would like.


BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20]

***Please support the updating of this site! All sites are pointed to a referral ID which is ours. Be sure to leave this ID so we can be credited for directing you to these fabulous offers and surfing programs. Thanks!***

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