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BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

Is this for real?
How does it work?

How much can I make?
Is this going to cost me anything?
When can I start to make money?
How can I refer others?
Are there any specific rules or restrictions?
What are the anti-spam policies?
What if I want to quit?
How do I get started?

Is this for real?
Yes, very much so. Basically companies are fighting for your e-business. Just as with any other forum (TV, radio, newspaper), they are willing to pay to get their ads placed where they'll get your attention. Just think how much they shell out for super bowl games! 

How does it work?
These new companies figured out that people are willing to put a banner on their screen or a cut of the profits. So that's what they do. You sign up, they put a banner on your screen while you are online, and they share the money they get from the advertisers. It's that simple!

How much can I make?
For most of the companies there's no limit. Most of the companies are putting restrictions on how many hours per month they'll pay you for. But they're not putting restrictions on how many people you can have signed up under you. Basically, if you get in early, and get a few people under you, you could make alot of money. Most people I've talked to make between 50 and 300 dollars per month.
To get a feel for how much is possible, check out alladvantage's payment calculator.

Is this going to cost me anything?
Nope, not a thing. The companies offering this service are scrambling to be number one first. They can't afford to turn away potential customers.

When can I start to make money?
It depends on the company. Most of  these companies are fairly new.  Some of these companies are currently paying and other will be ready soon. However, even though some of these aren't ready yet, you can still sign up, and start recommending friends. In fact it's recommended you do so. For one, most are first come first serve. This means the sooner you sign up, the sooner you can start making money. Also, the sooner you start, the more people you'll be able to sign up.

How can I refer others?
When you sign up, you get a membership number. When you recommend people you can either give them your number, or you can refer them with a special link that has your number already in it, like this one:
There are countless ways to refer people. The best two that I know of are: 1. put a banner on your website, and/or 2. use the "signature" feature of your e-mail software to automatically include a recommendation with your ID or link in it. Of course these aren't the only ways to refer people. If you use your imagination, and experiment you'll likely come up with much better ways. The only wrong way to refer people is by spamming. All of these companies are very strongly opposed to spamming. If you were thinking about spamming... don't!   These companies have a ZERO tolerance for spamming.  This however should not stop you from referring your Friends and Family by email.

Are there any specific rules or restrictions?
No spamming. Some require that you be at least 18. You also must have a valid mailing address.

What are the anti-spam policies?
Don't do it. That's the synopsis of most of the policies. For those new to the net, spamming is sending unsolicited, unauthorized e-mails or newsgroup messages to people you don't know. Basically spamming is the internets equivalent to junk mail.
You can read more info on this when you sign up.

What if I want to quit?
That's no problem. They say all you have to do is e-mail them. But you really don't even need to do that. Just stop. But why would you want to ;)

How do I get started?
That's easy! Click here to go to the sign up page. There you can decide which company, or companies, you wish to sign up for.  Once you  sign up you and get an ID number you can start telling your friends! I recommend signing up for the companies with a 10+ rating first. They are either already paying or will start paying very soon. Feel free to sign up for ANY/ALL of the companies but the 10+ 's are a must.



BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20]

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