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BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20]
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20

This Page Was Last Updated on October 21, 2000

This Page is to show you that Paid to Surf  money is for real.  I have a couple more checks that are either on the way or I have not taken the time to scan yet.  Also some programs directly deposit your earnings into your bank account so you will have to take my word on those.  If you have not signed up for the following companies Please do so now by clicking the banners......They have paid me so why can't you be NEXT!  

Note: There are many more companies that are paying.  They are usually in my top ten.  Most of these companies I have just recently reached the minimum to request a check and I will post them in the near future.  Please do not hesitate to sign up for companies that I do not have checks posted for yet!!


paid to surf checks paid to surf checks paid to surf checks SpediaApril.JPG (34242 bytes)
  getpaid4may.JPG (42447 bytes)  
cashsurferssept.jpg (21375 bytes)   allcheckaug.jpg (26861 bytes) GetPaid4 has added the Payment option of PayPal. Get Paid to Surf with PayPal Click here to sign up for PayPal.  
My Last Months Deposit was: $18.93
I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To: CashSurfers I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To: Alladvantage I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To: GetPaid4 I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To:



clickdoughmay.JPG (45742 bytes)  xcom.jpg (20663 bytes)   utopiadoct00.jpg (22846 bytes)  
 clickdoughsept.jpg (17997 bytes)
NEW 9-16
 I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To: ClickDough  I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To:
 I'm Convinced Sign Me Up for FREE To: Utopiad  


As you can see it does not take a rocket scientist to see that Paid to Surf is for REAL and ANYBODY can make a few extra bucks each month.  You will probably not get rich but you never know :)

Things I have purchased with My Paid to Surf $$$$$$:

1. MS FrontPage 2000

2. HP DeskJet 882c

3. HP 9310i CD Burner for my computer

4. MS Publisher 2000

5. Dinner with my wife :)

6. Gas for my Car

7. Quite a few other things that I can not remember off the top of my head.

8. Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Edition (It is very nice!!!)

9. And the list keeps on growing!!!!!!!!!!!!

BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20]
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20


***Please support the updating of this site! All sites are pointed to a referral ID which is ours. Be sure to leave this ID so we can be credited for directing you to these fabulous offers and surfing programs. Thanks!***

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