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I have created this page specifically for the newest Paid to Surf Companies.  The following companies are in the order which I would recommend signing up for them.  Top of page (Highly Recommend)
This is based on what I know about the company:
- Are they paying? 
- How much they are paying!
- And my own impression of how likely you are to actually receive cash money from them!  

This Page was last Updated on 10/19/00


Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Active Goal is $.60 an hour No Limit 10+

CashFiesta is a new kid on the block but they have put many other older companies to shame. 1. They are currently paying and have released their pay bar when they said that they would! 2. It is really easy to keep the bar activated (Just click on the Fat running man ever few minutes.) 3. You can make a ton of money because they have an excellent referral structure ($.20/ hour for direct referrals) and pay you
 $.60 an hour with no limit on hours!!!!




Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Active $.30 an hour No Limit 9

PayingAd   Another great new company with one major difference.... This one is currently paying.  The payrate is pretty good and there is no limit on hours.  Definately worth taking a look at and signing up for this company.  They have 4 levels of referrals.  Don't hesitate sign up Today!



pocketscreen.gif (6404 bytes)

Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Active $1.00 an hour 20 9

Pocketscreen  Exciting new company.  It looks really good. They pay $1.00 an hour for 20 hours per month, and they are going to bump the hour limit up to 40 hours per month in the near future! They pay .10 for referrals.  They are Paying  so sign up Today!!



aaruka.gif (8120 bytes)

Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Coming Soon $.50 an hour 40 hours 8

Aaruka is a new kid on the block but they seem very professional and to have lots of potential.   Payout  rates are as follows: You get $.50 per hour, $.10 per hour for direct referrals  and $.05 for indirect referrals.  Check out this company!!



cashactive.gif (9622 bytes)

Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Coming Soon @ $.50 an hour Unknown 8

CashActive This is a newer company.  The thing that makes this one unique is that they pay you for: Surfing the Internet, Reading Paid E-mail, Viewing Online Advertisements, Taking Part in Online Polls, Online Contests, Playing Games, and More!   They have 8 referral levels (One of the best referral structures on the WEB!!)




Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Coming Soon Percent Unknown 7

CashSpace Do not know a lot about this company except for what is on their website.  Sign Up! You never know they might become the next AllAdvantage.



free2net2.jpg (17486 bytes)

Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Active $.20 an hour 155 hours 8 This neat new company allows you to earn Ad$.  When you earn 5,000 Ad$ you can exchange them for CASH (1,000 Ad$ = $10.00), Shop using you Ad$, Buy coupons with them and much more.  REALLY cool concept.  At their current payrate you can make up to $31.00 each month!!!! PLUS much more with referrals. Sign Up TODAY and get a 100 Ad$ BONUS.
Please Use Referral ID: apaid



freejoin.gif (2443 bytes)

Status Pay Rate Hours Allowed Rating
Coming Soon $.30 an hour Unknown 9 will pay you for taking advantage of various offers from their sponsors such as surfing the internet with the FreeJoin Bar, visiting participating websites, completing surveys/questionnaires, receiving email, registrating for various free services, downloading programs, making purchases, referring others and much more! Check this site out!



basicpoint.gif (17689 bytes)

BasicPoint   Well this company is trying very hard to be one of the best.  Only time will tell.  I would encourage you to sign up now and start building you downline so as when then do become one of the best you can take your   FAT Paycheck to the BANK!!!




Universalscience   Here is another paid to surf.  You do not need to download any software.   There whole program is browser based.  They are just finishing the final stages of beta testing and will be releasing the full version really soon.  Pleas sign up!




BANNER PROGRAMS:  [1-10] [11-20] [21-30] [31-40]
MISC. PROGRAMS: [1-10] [11-20] [21-30] [31-40]


***Please support the updating of this site! All sites are pointed to a referral ID which is ours. Be sure to leave this ID so we can be credited for directing you to these fabulous offers and surfing programs. Thanks!***

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