© 2000 Charles E. Brown
It's Finally Here, BUY IT NOW!!!
The Art of eShopping is an informative and entertaining look at the world of online shopping. Many consumers are unaware of how to take advantage of the Internet medium for consumer purposes. This book will answer the following questions:
1) How do I know which online sites are safe to shop at?
2) How can I protect my personal information when shopping online?
3) How do I avoid online scams and rip-offs?
Here's an astonishing little fact: during 1998, online commerce (buying and selling goods and services over the Internet) exceeded $37.5 billion in sales.
The Art of eShopping will teach the consumer how to protect their valuable personal information when shopping online. Consumers will also learn what type of personal information is the most profitable to criminals. This book will teach consumers online shopping strategies to find the best deals by using online resources. Furthermore, consumers will learn what resources are available for handling consumer grievances concerning online shopping.
The reader will also be given the following information:
>10 Important shopping tips for a satisfying experience
>How to take extra measures to insure a great shopping experience
>Security tips that keep your personal information safe
>Online resources that help consumers with grievances
The final 3 chapters of the book contain real examples of online shopping experiences. These case studies are based on actual events. The author has changed the names of people and places to protect the innocent. These case studies are humorous and highly entertaining. They also help to inform the consumer about how to apply the shopping and safety strategies found in the book.
10 eShopping Tips to Remember | Security Do's & Dont's
Take Extra Measures | Online Consumer Resources | Shopping Sites