© 1998 Charles E. Brown
It's Finally Here, BUY IT NOW!!!
The Art of Complaining is an informative and entertaining look at the world of consumer complaints. Many consumers are unaware of the effectiveness of complaint letters. This book will answer the following questions:
1) What should a letter of complaint contain?
2) Who should receive a letter of complaint?
3) Where can I find examples of such letters?
A solid letter of complaint can help the consumer get the customer satisfaction they deserve! Purchase The Art of Complaining today!
The Art of Complaining will teach the consumer how to write complaint letters that appeal to businesses and organizations. The consumer will learn how to craft their letters for small, medium and large establishments. The book will teach various strategies to use for different types of establishments. The consumer will also learn why angry letters usually don't work.
The reader will also be given the following information:
>A sample list of organization hierarchies
>What to do if customer satisfaction is not achieved by complaint letter
>How to deal with an establishment's failure to respond to the complaint letter
>A summary of the entire complaint letter writing process in a 10-step list
>A list of 8 important things to remember about complaint letters
The final 3 chapters of the book contain real examples of consumer grievances. These case studies are based on actual events. The author has changed the names of people and places to protect the innocent. These case studies are humorous and highly entertaining. They also help to inform the consumer about how to apply the strategies found in the book.
Author | Charles E. Brown | |
Company | EWM / PSI | |
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Created | Jan-01-1999 | |
Updated | ||
Copyright ©1999-2001. |