Blinders & Hoods


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Accessories & goodies


These beautiful black circular eye-patch style blinders are not only attractive but they are fully functional and adjustable as well!! The un-lined design prevents those unwanted "play" interruptions, caused by the wearer getting fuzz or fur in their eyes from poorly engineered, ill-fitting fuzz and fur lined masks. Those of you who have had used those ungainly "fur-lined" masks know frustrating it can be to have an intense scene interrupted by fur and fuzz the wearers eyes!!! These will put an end to those frustrating occurrences forever!!! The head strap is fully adjustable and as you can see is secured in the back of the head with a real buckle, not strings or Velcro like lower quality blinders frequently use. The buckle allows the strap to be adjusted to the wearer and then slipped off the head thus preventing the need to fumble with strings or Velcro every time the blinders are to be used. Over all this is the best design we've found for blinders and we know you'll agree when you try them!!!



These Beauties have all the benefits of our immensely popular regular blinders (see my other auctions) and then we added more!!!! To make these blinders even more comfortable that they already were we added a oversized circle of buttery soft suede in a variety of colors for the high bidder to choose from!!! You get the same fully adjustable, no "eye fuzz" design that has made out basic blinders a smashing success, plus the added comfort of suede lining!!! What more could you want in a pair of blinders?!?! Once you try these babies you'll never go back!! Order tonight!