Journal Entry

All the latest happenings on this page...









Okay, looks like I failed to do everything I planned to..but at least I started a bit of html programming's terrible that things aren't getting started anyhow. Just looked through the sanctuary again and I just realised that while reading through most of the philosophies, I didn't really understand what they meant. Maybe it's because I have read them too often and have become numb to their meanings. I also noticed that the ones that I ignored seemed to be the ones that hold the most meaning..perhaps they are too abstract? I need to learn a better way to present my philosophies so that people will be able to understand them..or at least for me to convey what I've got to say. Haiz one has been emailing me at hey at least the traffic seems to be improving..God knows why...If so, why is no one leaving their names in the confession booth? It's just a guestbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To all you surfers out there!! please do say something if you read this...doesn't matter whether it's good or bad....things like that are always good right?
    Oh well, it's now 0517 in the morning and hell I can't get to sleep! Not to mention I'm starting work for a freaking 9 hours later on...Nonetheless, why force myself to sleep if i can' only makes things worse to be idle while being an insomniac. Might as well do something interesting to occupy my mind..okay that's all for now ...back to the tutorials...


Going serious this time...I'm prolly gonna start on my new website soon...but with proper html programming this time...

New Year begins tomorrow...more ang pows coming up I suppose
Nonetheless I better settle down with a stable job asap...
People, people pls be patient....and if u see this update pls email me at
I need a lot of startup tips for my 2 new websites....
Estimated deadline for project:...end of feb


Yet Another Holiday

1)Going on a holiday tomorrow...won't be updating website for sometime again...

2)Things seem to be running abit slow...all my post-exam plans don't seem to be going smoothly,,Nonetheless, I hope to start on my html scripting soon and give this website a new revamped look..

3)Intend to put up new philosophies on the main page each time I get a new one...perhaps updates should be put on the same page too..need suggestions desperately...
Not sure if website is user-friendly enough..once again..need comments and criticisms


Problems Galore

1)Guestbook is down...temporarily using another guestbook service
"<View confessions>" button will not link to current service.
Please continue to give me suggestions and comments in the confession booth or contribute a philosophy in the sanctuary..
Need your support desperately.

2)Microphone is either spoilt or computer is seriously damaged. Anyone with any suggestions at all to help me in my sound recording please email me...this is terrible...i can't get started with any of my songs...

3) Just bought a 300 buck semi-acoustic guitar..pretty good for a first personal guitar...however no amplifier yet...still waiting for friend to return from penang...

4)Song titles are more or less progressing...but lyrics and melody inspirations seem to be ebbing from my also in slow progress due to bandmates personal agendas.......

5)Need help in writing html...too many things on my mind...too restless..lack usual drive..philosophies getting crappier so pls contribute if possible