Hi and welcome to the philosophies page!
The philosophies you are about to see have been amassed over a long period of time and it would be kindly appreciated if you could look through a few and give me your comments!
Most of the philosophies here were written by myself after combining the logical thought process with other personal experiences and problems faced in life as well as some useful advice from other arcane subjects. Some however are either copied down wholesale(or resemble certain old adages) by virtue of their long history and because they help to serve as useful reminders of values which they were originally meant to convey. I hope you will find these philosophies useful. They are neither mandatory nor right or wrong. Philosophies are good in the sense that they are neutral and do not promote biased judgement of any kind.
Some of the philosophies may suit you; some may not. This is because most of the philosophies here are specific and some apply only to certain types of people under particular conditions. The philosophies will only become meaningful to the extent that you have chosen to interpret them and they should be tested from time to time...
Please feel free to leave any comments that you have about any of my philosophies especially if you feel that it is not suitable in one way or another. All contributions will be gladly accepted.
Enjoy!!! |