A definitive place to relax and do some soul searching...This page features philosophies that will make you contemplate on what life is really all about and may even help you solve some problems... you can contribute too!
This is the cheapest and most unbelievable garage sale ever! Take a look around...you'll be surprised what junk you can find! I need cash desperately so help me out!!!
This is a page where you can post your discussions everyday regarding almost anything...I will be posting some topics of interest on a regular basis such as music, science and yes---perhaps even scandals!
This is the GuestBook. Its the place where you give the whole truth and nothing but the truth about your feelings about my website + other questions, suggestions and comments...
Below are some extra Calvin and Hobbes cartoons... I am not exactly a C & H fan but these were so irrestible that I had to put them up...Enjoy!