Latest Newsletter
27 June 2005
We have had another fun filled year in the 9th Paisley Pack and 9th Paisley Guide Company. The first 'fun' event was the Halloween Party for the Brownies and a Ghost Walk for the Guides. Both units also had a 'Beauty Evening' with the Brownies making their own face masks, lip balm etc, and the Guides doing each others make-up.
The Brownies all sat their Fire Safety Badge. Part of this was a very exciting visit to the Local Fire Station and an organised Fire Drill held one Thurday Evening. Another group badge was the Science Investigators Badge. There were a few Cooks, some Artists and some Collectors.
Meanwhile, in the large hall, the Guides also participated in the Fire Safety Badge and a Sports Badge. 7 girls also passed their Campers Badge, while a further 6 girls passed their Holiday Badge. The full Guide Company participated in events leading to the Showtime Go for It and Life Wise Go for It.
We all went to the Pantomime in Paisley Arts Centre in December, and the Guides put on a Nativity in the Church which was part of their Showtime GFI.
In the Easter break we took 7 Guides and 2 Young Leaders to Valkenberg, Holland. This was a trip organised by St Mary's Guides and included Paisley Division Ranger Unit, Lylesland, St Charles, St Mirins, St Mary's and our own units. It was a superb week which included an overnight ferry, passing through Germany, Belgium, Holland and France, seeing how clogs are made and making loads of new friends.
Five Brownies participated in the Brownie Overnight Camp which was held on 4 June 2005. All girls had a fantastic time and want to do it again. 5 Guides went to the PAGGS Training Camp which was held at Bonally Scouting Centre in Edinburgh. This is a lead up to the International Camp in Holland next year.
We are now stopped for the Summer, but are hoping to plan lots of exciting things for the new session.
Aileen E McMillan Guider in Charge