Guiding News

This year we had a Ghost Walk in "Haunted Paisley" for Halloween. This was followed with our Annual Trip to the Paisley Arts Centre Pantomime to see Snow White. We then put on our own "Show" in the form of a Traditional Nativity. This was performed in the Church underneath the Christmas Tree. It included all normal characters of a Nativity:

  • Mary and Joseph
  • Angels
  • Shepherds
  • Stars
  • Kings

By this time it was the Christmas break, and we all had a well earned break for the festive season. Once we returned it was all plans and fundraising for our very first overseas trip to Holland. The Guider from St Mary's had invited us along to her International Holiday along with some other Guides from St Mirins, Lylesland, St Charles and not forgetting the Paisley Division Ranger Unit.

It was a fantastic opportunity for our members to meet other Guides and also go abroad. We will have to try it for ourselves in the next year or two.

We finished the session at the end of May with our annual parents evening. The girls planned the programme and ran it all by themselves. A very enjoyable ending to a busy year.


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Copyright ©: 2000 Aileen E McMillan
Revised: 27 June 2005