Professor  Oak

Welcome to the Pokémon legend! I am Professor Oak an expert on all Pokémon. Over the years I have seen hundreds of new trainers get their very first Pokémon. I continue to teach the basics to new Pokémon trainers.

Your mission is to collect as many of the  150 different species of Pokémon.  I supply many trainers with their first Pokémon.  Once you have your first Pokémon, you can battle and catch other Pokémon.

Your allies and friends are Ash, Misty, and Brock -- fellow Pokémon trainers and breeders. Your enemies? the evil Team Rocket: Jessie, James, Meowth, and Giovanni. They're determined to fight what they call the "evils" of truth and love, while they capture and control all rare Pokémon. Your biggest rival is my grandson, Gary.  He is determined to be the best.

Your goal is to become the world's greatest Pokémon master, like Ash, by winning every battle and collecting all 150 Pokémon, and join the ranks of the master trainers in the Pokémon League. Or you may prefer to be a great Pokémon breeder, like Brock, and learn how to raise the best Pokémon and to bring out their inner strength.  Or you may just want to collect and train Pokémon like Misty.

Good Luck on your missions,

Professor Oak

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