The Battle

Why Battle?
There are two basic reasons for a Pokémon to battle. One is for sport. You can battle another trainer in a friendly competition.  Your Pokémon do the fighting, but you decide which Pokémon and which techniques, or attacks to use.
The second reason to battle is to capture wild Pokémon.  Wild Pokémon have no training and no owners.  They can usually be found in grass, dungeons, or water.   Battle is one of the main ways to collect a Pokémon. But you can also buy them in stores or trade with a friend.

Choose the best Pokémon for the job!
Each trainer can carry around a team of up to six Pokémon at a time.  For each new situation you encounter, you will decide which six Pokémon will best fit your needs. If you win a battle, each Pokémon that fought will gain experience. The longer you train, the more you will learn about keeping a team with a variety of techniques and strengths. You will also learn which Pokémon are best suited for each battle.


The Face Off
In the gym or on the road, other trainers are eager to show off their Pokémon techniques.   If another trainer challenges you to a friendly competition, you must accept. You win when your Pokémon have defeated all of the other trainer's Pokémon.  A Pokémon is defeated when it gets so weak that it faints.

The Poké Ball
To capture a Pokémon, you will need a Poké Ball.  Poké Balls are what you carry your Pokémon around in while they are learning and training. Only one Pokémon fits in each ball.


The Capture
Pokémon never die in battle. They just get very weak and faint. The goal in any battle with a wild Pokémon is to get its down  energy low enough to capture it. Once the wild Pokémon is weak, throw a Poké Ball at it. If the Pokémon stays inside the ball, then you have successfully captured it.

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