What's A Pokémon

Pokémon are creatures that come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Some live in the ocean, others in caves, towers, rivers or tall grass. Some Pokémon are plantlike, some are animal-like. And some are even ghost-like.

There are 150 different species of Pokémon. Within each species are tons of individual Pokémon. Some Pokémon are very common, while others are very rare, and sometimes there's only one of them in the whole world. Pokémon live untamed and untrained in the wild. And once you become a trainer you can teach them how to grow into the best Pokémon they can be .  You will train them for battle and trade them with other trainers. Becoming a Pokémon trainer is a fun, exciting, sometimes dangerous, and always interesting experience.

Your journey takes place in cities, forests, rivers, oceans, caves and the roads. The towns and cities are the centers of action. Each one has a Pokémon Center where Pokémon can recover after each battle. You can also log on to the computers there to check in with Professor Oak to see how you're doing compared to other trainers, and store your Pokémon in a special storage system. There are also Poké Marts that sell Poké Balls and other supplies, and a gym where you can practice battling with other trainers.

Trainers start their quest in their own hometown. Ash and other new trainers begin their journey in Pallet Town.
That's where Professor Oak has his lab. He gives all Pallet Town's new trainers their  very first Pokémon and their own Pokédex. But the outskirts of town are definitely not boring. The towns and cities are connected by paths, grassy fields, and forests. This is where most of the wild Pokémon live. That means tons of Pokémon to battle, catch, and add to your growing collection.

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