Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Forever you
I think about you ever second in time
I think about you,
Every time I hear your talk in my ears
I think about you,
Every time I see your smile in my eyes
I don't know what to do with my times
I waste it every minute on my mind,
Thinking about you,
Dreaming about you,
Wishing you are here with me.
I don't even remember me studying
But thinking of you day to night
Like as you control my mind
Nothing goes into my mind except about you
My heart is half missing
As long as my heart is not become one
You will always be in my mind
Even until the day your heart and my heart become one.

Missing you
Looking up at the night sky
Remembering the time
How we used to count the stars
Even though the cold wind is blowing
Your warm arm is on my shoulder keeping me warm
Like the time we used to have
Sitting on my bed in the lonely night
Wishing you are here.

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day
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