Welcome To Rain Poem Page

Hi thank you for visiting my poem page.I hope you enjoy reading the poems that I wrote when I feel sad, lonely, or happy. If you like to give me some comments about these poems, email me at cuteaye@aol.com . Thank you and visit again.

Change by you

The wind are blowing
The snows are coming
The day are shorting
The night are ruling

The suffer of darkness
The darkness of night
The night of cold
The cold of pain
The pain of dream
The dream of light
The light of sun
The sun of brightness
As the world change around you
You are the only one who can change yourself.
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I love you

I want to say I love you,
But I am so afraid you'll laugh
and if you laughed when I told you
it would break my heart in half.

I want to do more things with you
because I love you so
and if I asked you to do these things
I'd die if you said no

I want you to love me
as much as I love you
but if you said you hated me
I don't know what I'd do

My love for you is like a stream
that runs forever true
and my stream of love with never run dry
as long as I have you
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One more day

I'll never forget
the times we have shared

and I'll never forget
how much you once cared

I know now its over
but I have one thing to say

If I had a four-leaf-clover
I'd wish for one more day.
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I'm Sorry

Too often we don't realize
what we have until its gone.
Too often we wait, to late to say
"I'm sorry I was wrong"

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
we hold dearest to our hearts
and we allow little stupid things
to tear our lives apart.

Far too many times in life
we let unimportant things get on our minds
and by then its usually much too late
to see what made us blind.

So be sure you let people know
how much they mean to you
take the time to say the words
before your time is through.

Be sure you appreciate
everything little thing they do
and be thankful for your truest friends
cause they'll always be there for you!
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Save you from sorrow…

Life is full of sorrow
Sorrow can kill you pieces by pieces
The days you have sorrow
It seen you are crying
The weeks you have sorrow
It seen you are suffering
The months you have sorrow
It seen you are dying
The years you have sorrow
It means you are dead!
Before that’s happen
I will come and save you
Get you out of sorrow
And love you with all my heart
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Hard to believe

Everything can be hard
As just like our life
So hard that you can’t trust anyone
Hard to believe why people lie
To give you more harder to except the real them
Like to hide themselves
But is hard for people to except the true them
And when you let someone to get to know you
In the end they are the one who’s lying
Is hard to except them as a real friend
Because is hard for me to believe them again.
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Memory Dream

Seen like yesterday, always fresh in my mind
Try to erase my memory
Hopeless at the end
Dream by the night
Sleep by the day
And days go by
Life is a hole
Full of emptiness
Waiting and waiting
For the day to come
I dream the night
I see the light
As bright as sun
Coming toward me
I found my dream.
The light went dark
Still see the light
In my own memory.
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When he finally realize...

You saw a man
You felt dreamy
He is so hot
Never felt happy
To know him better
Try your best to make him notice
He notice you and
As he fall in love with you
You give all your trust to him
He means everything to you
Doesn’t take long
You are all wrong
He is a liar
Break your heart to pieces
You mean nothing to him
As you cry
Think of one day
To let him know how wonderful you are
Teach him to learn
That is the day
He will realize what he had done
Something that he will never get back again
Is too late, he lost you forever
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Your Man

You give your heart
Everything you done
To make him love you
But when the time comes
You saw him with another girl
Hand in hand
Talking and laughing
Make you cry
Want to die
As you think
If I die
How would he know how much you like him
To tell the truth
Make you feel good
As life goes on
One day
You found your man
And he is the one,
You should have give your heart to
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When you…

I saw something
It’s you walking
I lay my eyes on you
Cause you are lovely
I ask you out and
When you said “yes”
I jump out of space
When you hold my hand
My legs trample
When I kiss you
I hope I am not dreaming
You are the best of all
And I will never come out of your dreamy world.
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Online Friends

Day to days
Dream by dreams
Phone to phone
Talk to talk
Feeling for feeling
Raising and raising
Until we fall for each other
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When I am…

When I am lonely
When I am sad
When I am angry
When I am mad
When I am depress
When I am crying
A simple line
“I am always here for you”
From a friend will do it.
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What a friend will do

Cheer me up
Give me smiles
Make me laugh
Show me joys
Turing my life around
When I am sad
Help me make my life happy and
Show me how to see the real world
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If you say so…

You will help me go through hard times
You will take care of me
You will love me with all your heart
I believe you all that
If you say so.

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You and Me

we walk side by side along the moontill
sea gazing at each other
only you and me

looking at your eyes
visions of all the glee
we have shared together
just you and me

i could never leave you
this i guarantee
i am too far into
this thing call you and me

you know the way i am
just by watching you can see
just how much i cherish
all of you and me
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As no one can ever…

I feel sad as the world always turn down on me
No answer for any questions
I feel separate from the world
Lost in space and no air to breath
I am scare as I make my journey
End up in the desert without water
Drawning in the sea without knowing how to swim
Trying to make it through alone in the universe
I can feel the pain inside of me
No one can ever reach out
And reach into the loneliness of my heart.
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You are Everything

Everything around me
I only see you
Who give me the life
As you say “I love you”
Never let you go
Kiss you gently on your lip
As you say “I love you”
Hold you tight closely to my chest
Never let you out of my arm
As you say “I love you”
You are the one
I been waiting for
The words I heard from you
My heart beat faster
As you say “I love you”
I don’t need anything more
After I have your love
I have everything I want in the world.
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A paragraph of my Life

One day I talk to you
Very first time and I felt happy
Just to talk to someone
As we met
My feeling doesn’t change
As you take me places
You fill up my happiness
As we start dating
You turn out to be someone else
You don’t like me anymore
We broke up but you didn’t break my heart
Because you don't see who I am
And you don't know what I have inside.
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With you in my life...

There are things I have to say
Give me a chance and don't fly away
My feeling for you can't describe with words
I want to hold you so tight
As I hold you tight, I feel your heart inside
It melts me down inside
I want you to understand how much I feel for you
I hope you feel the same way too
As long as you are with me
My heart is complete
And nothing more I need
My world is antique.
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I see your eyes as I try to hide
No where to go but to look into your eyes
I might have feeling for you
Should I look at your eyes
Tell me what to do
Do you want me to like you
If you don’t like me
I won’t look into your eyes
Because my heart will sink in your eyes.
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