wai yan - 11/14/00 13:57:26
My Email:wpaing@hotmail.com
City: Vancouver
State/Province: BC
Country: Canada
Hey moe moe
nice job..... well done...e.mail me sometime... i'm looking for some burmese friends in vancouver..
Joe Flensburg Jr Nickname BupBup - 08/26/00 12:37:00
My Email:joe@rocks.zzn.com
City: Dillingham
State/Province: Alaska
Country: U.S.A.
Hi, It's me Just came to say hi.
Regan Chan - 06/23/00 23:33:28
My Email:girl_udrivemecrazy@yahoo.com
State/Province: CA
Country: BURMA
Culture: half burmaes n half chinese
Favorite Quote: REGAN said "just do it"
hey this is a cool,nice n glood page!
Huijie - 06/16/00 14:32:25
My Email:wackydee59@hotmail.com
City: Erie
State/Province: PA
Country: USA
Culture: Chinese
Favorite Quote: suck my big toe
Hey moe, your webpage is awesome.. i'll be leaving for gov school in a couple of days, and i just hope that you have a nice summer, and o yah, i remember you saying something about like you wanting to go to school in cali, well there's a really cute cali
oy, and i want to introduce you two. Call me sometimes.. alright gotta go! bye babe! be safe during summer
Huijie - 06/16/00 14:30:45
My Email:wackydee59@hotmail.com
Doug - 03/09/00 21:02:54
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/snuffalufagus
My Email:capnmonkey@aol.com
City: Covington
State/Province: KY
Country: USA
Favorite Quote: Time flies like the wind, Fruit flies like bananas
Cool page, it beats the hell out of mine, though mine is more of a parody making fun of all my friends corny pages....heh
zaw - 03/05/00 23:01:52
My Email:zawtun5169@prodigy.net
i'm really impress with your art ability,not only drawing ability, but also ur poems. Keep it up , maybe you can teach me some of your skill.
Nanda Linn Aung(kidd) - 03/01/00 23:22:14
My URL:http://amboltd.com/kidd
My Email:nandalinnaung@yahoo.com
City: Bangkok
Country: Thailand
Favorite Quote: Hi
nice page.
very interesting stuff inside..
cool, moe..
keep it up and hope you also enjoy in myanmar burmese club.
Nanda Linn Aung
Zin Aung Moe - 02/27/00 18:18:32
My Email:maung_ba_gyan@yahoo.com
State/Province: LOVE STATE
Moe Moe u got nice HP. But not really perfect. Heheheheh.... When i miss u i come to u HP and just watch u pix and talking. Hehehe how i am crazy for u? Let me give u some idea moe. What my idea is u have to keep u new pix at u hp. That mean always
changes and have to change new pix. bye bye moe lay.have to go
Yan Thu Naing - 02/27/00 04:44:44
My Email:sassystrong@aol.com
City: Elmhurst
State/Province: NY
Country: USA
Favorite Quote: "When spider unite, they can tie down a lion"
I visit your web site. I found that you are very ugly preson in the world. But your web site is existing. When I talk to you online you are very senstatve person. I love to read poem. Please send to my address. Thanks. Please keep in touch.
Zaw Tun Oo - 02/24/00 00:08:41
My Email:zto20@hotmail.com
City: Seattle
State/Province: WA
Country: United State
Culture: Chinese
Favorite Quote: " Want to be a Formula One Driver? "
Hey Moe !
You make a cool web-page, keep it up.
I hope you can create more COOL web-page. I'm glad
to see your abality and patient.
Tommy Thu Thu - 02/22/00 04:36:24
My Email:TThuTT@aol.com
City: San Jose
State/Province: CA
Country: Santa Clara
Laurence.T - 02/20/00 23:14:41
My Email:minywelwin@yahoo.com
City: mtn.view
State/Province: ca
Culture: burmese
Favorite Quote: swim forever
Swim Swim...., Smile Smile......,!!!! Doesn't matter for weather, still swim....... Happy happy happy.
Thet San's (Poem)
latecalay - 02/17/00 02:14:14
My URL:http://www.ayinepan.com/~latecalay/
My Email:latecalay@ayinepan.com
City: Springfield
State/Province: VA
gonna come check it out again later :)
nice teddy bear :)
Moet Moet Aye - 02/17/00 01:35:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la2/RoseAye/index.html
My Email:Roseaye@netzero.net
State/Province: CA
Country: LA
Moe... You did a really cool page. Congratulation! Keep it up. Ohh.. one thing, thank q for being my best friend. =) And I am very glad to be your friend too. Gotta go. I am a little busy. I will come again and sign it again... See ya. =)
Gary Swee - 02/16/00 23:51:21
My Email:Mgswee@aol.com
City: San Francisco
State/Province: ca
Country: USA
Favorite Quote: lincoln gettyburg speech
Yan Win Aung - 02/16/00 22:31:57
My Email:YWAung@yahoo.com
City: Beloit
State/Province: WI
Country: USA
Culture: Gypsy
Favorite Quote: "A Ku na ma tha tha"
Hey It's wonderful. How did you do it? I like you V-Day special. That's my favorite. :)
osacarman - 02/15/00 00:13:47
My Email:osacarman@yahoo.com
City: nowhere
State/Province: notexit
Country: somewhere
Webring: whatisthat
Culture: chinese
Favorite Quote: nothing
hey moe, i thought your name mean "mushroom" hehe
sorry bad burglish :)..but you corrected me once.so i know now :)..great pics!!! cute as hell!! and the poem make me want to say @#$$#^* :) hehe..is mean..where do learn how to write a good poem???? :)..
Michael - 02/12/00 15:59:19
My Email:mmagliozzi@hotmail.com
Moe Moe,
Love your recent additions to your website.......but who did you have in mind when you were writing the beautiful poetry on your delightfully constructed 'Valentine's' link????
It would be so easy to fall in love with a woman who thinks like that???
Hugs from the East,
ZIN AUNG MOE - 02/10/00 02:37:28
State/Province: NY
AUNG AUNG - 01/08/00 06:01:46
State/Province: NY
Country: U.S.A
Culture: MIXED!!!
Favorite Quote: What u know is what u already know, but what u dont know is what u have not known!
very good pages!!!but i was patient to view ur pics...hehe:-))
u like art..cool..keep it up.
my pleasure to visit ur pages naw!!
take care..
rob "mugs" mulligan - 12/25/99 06:14:45
My Email:jomu@velocity.net
City: waterford
State/Province: pa
Country: usa
Culture: american
Favorite Quote: "Its better for someone not to like you for who you are, then for them to like you for who you are not."
I really enjoyed your poems. I had a great time talking to you. Well have to start talking more. I think your web page is very nice. I'll talk to you later Rain.
Scott - 12/21/99 01:39:44
State/Province: nyc
Favorite Quote: I been waiting, to give this gift tonight, I'm down on my knees, There's no better time, It's something to last, for as long as you live, Tonight I'm going to give you, all my heart can give!!
very nice page!! n very cute pics .. hehe .. keep up ur work!! i hope u like my quote!! >:)
Tuan - 12/16/99 01:21:41
My Email:goose18192@aol.com
City: Erie
State/Province: PA
Country: United States
Culture: Vietnamese
Favorite Quote: "Do what you want not what you are wanted to do"
Hey I really like those poems that you wrote, and your artwork too. It was a cool idea to do this webpge so that other people can share in your thoughts and you work.
lwinlatt - 12/02/99 01:26:55
My Email:lwinlatt22@hotmail.com
City: Teaneck
State/Province: Nj
ooooo gal !! good work ... keep going .. i like
it cuz it's so interesting ... OK .
Kevin - 11/10/99 22:54:47
My Email:Acqariq@yahoo.com
City: San Francisco
State/Province: CA
Country: U.S.A
Fred - 11/10/99 22:35:59
what a nice homepage u got here!!! cool.
TJ(Thuya) - 11/05/99 00:47:08
My Email:Dragon8978@excite.com
City: Autsin
State/Province: Texas
Country: USA
Favorite Quote: Cool Page
Sup moe,
This is a nice page,indeed.Keep it up. Good luck with eveything and Best wishes.
LeRoy - 10/28/99 17:54:26
My Email:_LeRoy1@excite.com
City: Reno
State/Province: Nevada
Country: USA
Culture: Native American Indian
Favorite Quote: Be true to yourself..
Baby cute..You have a nice web page and it shows your work well. I wish you the best of luck with everything you do in life..best wishes..LeRoy..
HK_H2O - 10/25/99 23:09:17
City: Los Angeles
State/Province: CA
Country: Riverside
Culture: Chinese
Favorite Quote: but umm....
Great HomePage Rain....put some mo pics in & stuff ok...peace out...
- 10/19/99 22:46:51
My Email:Philippe@lineone.net
hey , i'm impressed by your innate talents: so creative , poetic , artistic and above all talented .Well , do continue on this right path as you have so much talent .Moreover , you are a polyglot too !Hey , i lost your email address unfortunately but do
give me a shout whenever you have the time as I enjoy chatting you today (Bob )
Min Tun - 09/15/99 19:35:14
My URL:http://mintun.8m.com
My Email:mintun@mintun.8m.com
City: South East Asia
Hi... good to see your site. It's very nice. Poems are great.
Myat Thwee - 09/15/99 05:27:20
My URL:http://soon.com
My Email:myatthwee@mailcity.com
Culture: Turely East
Favorite Quote: After the thrill has gone!
I love your homepage. It is really impressive. But
la me suggest you something, if you don't mind. Some of the pictures size are too large so it make the system slower when down load them to view, can you juat make them smaller size, uplad those after all.
On top of that I love your poems. I do wrote poem in Burmese. Poems are uniquely identify the basic of thought and concepts of the real world. So put them up on the net I may visit again. Cheers
Ma Shat Tay - 09/14/99 16:21:05
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/qt4u2/index.html
My Email:MaShatTay@myanmars.net
City: Botataung
State/Province: Rangoon
Country: Burma
Webring: N0 Idea!!
Culture: Burmese
Favorite Quote: Koet Tha Mine Ko Yayy Kya The
Hello pretty chinese lady from Burma! duh!! i enjoy your poem and pictures..hope to see you in myanmarburmese..dar bel nor...bye now..
Ivan - Moe Moe's hotty - 08/05/99 15:51:50
My URL:Coming Soon
My Email:irebeiro@hotmail.com
City: Albion/ Erie
State/Province: PA
Country: USA
Culture: Mixed - all sorts
Favorite Quote: Life's short, Party Hard
Lovely web site you got here! Your poems were very inspiring and I really loved "One More Day". You never cease to amazed, I'll tell you that.
Chicken Ass - 07/27/99 02:06:47
My Email:GenerationNext@collegeclub.com, MrOo1234@aol.com
City: San Fran
State/Province: Cali Baby
Country: we, our, US
Culture: BBC
Favorite Quote: in order to be the best... i have to compete with the best!!!!!
hi....sorry sis....i didn't sign your guestbook right away....anyway....good job sis...keep it up...you my best!!!
your little bro
Huijie and John - 07/04/99 05:44:41
My URL:http://yeah sure. whatever..!!:-)
My Email:wackydee59@hotmail.com
City: H-Erie, J-Largo
State/Province: H-PA, J-FL
Country: U S of A
Culture: ChInEsE
Favorite Quote: To love by having faith and holding on even if the rope doesn't appear under your feet as you walk
Hi there moe, John and I have finally found a time to sign ur book. :-), yes i still have to tell you bout John, he's my darling...did i tell u that? mmm maybe or maybe not...well ur an awesome girl..and i know u've worked hard on this webpage so..i congr
tulate you..John says hi. lol, well i gotta go...Again good work on the webpage!! ~later
justin bell - 05/16/99 10:45:49
City: wilkes- barre
State/Province: Pa
Favorite Quote: i like moe moe
nick cullers - 05/15/99 23:23:08
My Email:twiggs999
City: waterford
State/Province: pa
Country: usa
Culture: scottish
Favorite Quote: to often we forget the little things in life
hiya meo meo i like ur pic and hope we can meet soon see ya im done
PrEttY LaDy OR LaURa.. - 05/05/99 00:11:55
My Email:t00luvly4u@aol.com
City: BrOnZ
State/Province: NY( ThE Big ApPlE)
Country: USA
Culture: BuRmeSe AnD i M PrOudE Of it..
Favorite Quote: " DoNt JuDge aNy1 bY apPearEnCe"
Hey..Rain..this pAge iS CôôL...and Me sO gLad 2 SiGn iN uR Gue$tbôôk...no otHer coMMents exCept tHAt u shoUld haVe s0me liNks...so tHat wouLd be c00ler...
And....ju$t wAnT 2 $aY " sUpz?" to every1 who views this Gue$Tbôôk...
Tide M. Htet - 04/27/99 10:30:55
My Email:BluSkyMyd@aol.com
City: Seattle
State/Province: WA
Country: USA
no comment this time.......sorry.......(lol)
M - 04/24/99 11:54:52
Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/13/98 21:44:01
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/
Visit my web page!
John - 06/16/98 23:06:52
My URL:/Paris/Rue/9939/
State/Province: TX
Country: USA
ELMER - 06/12/98 12:26:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/6055
My Email:Classified
City: Haifa
Country: Israel
Webring: Kee?
Favorite Quote: Jimm karry laugh's in Ace Ventura: Epp Epp Epp Epp Epp Eppppp
Nice site, But you should puff it up!
Marianne - 06/10/98 17:32:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Soho/1636
My Email:Hope2all@hotmail.com
City: Stoney Creek
State/Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Culture: CANADIAN/Scottish/Italian
Favorite Quote: "Keep the faith, Hope will Guide you"
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Hey there, you should put some links or something else on this site, I mean you want people to come back right? Entertain us and don't be afraid to ask for help. OK :)
Hahn - 04/08/98 15:46:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/2888
My Email:hahn@programmer.net
City: Edinburgh
Country: UK
Favorite Quote: What go up must come down
Hi sis, love ur web site. Ur Brother.
Jonny - 12/14/97 05:25:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Lounge/2670
My Email:daemion@geocities.com
City: Hell
State/Province: Oregon
Country: USA
Webring: Az-world
Favorite Quote: "If I'm going to feel like a junkie every fucking day, I might as well take something for it"--Kurt Cobain
Hey remember me,
Darkfamin_1. Just dropped in to say hi. I need your help me with something? E-mail me and I'll ask you.
Steve - 11/22/97 01:49:14
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/u/r/turtle728.html
My Email:jbailey@sprynet.com
City: Erie
State/Province: Penna
Country: USA
Culture: American
Rain, I like your homepage. I like the worms.
see you in school, Steven.
erika - 11/18/97 01:22:55
My Email:Ravaged371@aol.com
City: erie
State/Province: pa
Country: usa
hi .*)
Ryan - 11/09/97 03:47:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/6810
My Email:ryholquist@geocities.com
City: Erie
State/Province: PA
Country: USA
Favorite Quote: "Where in God's name are my plyers?" -Justin Crew
Hi Rain. I'm Ryan, Terence's friend. Nice webpage. See ya later.
Terence - 11/09/97 03:41:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/8391
My Email:hone2@geocities.com
City: Erie
State/Province: PA
Country: United States
Webring: Elite Ring, Enchanted Forest Webring, T-Net Webring, Big Hits Webring, Many Feathers Webring
Culture: Chinese
Favorite Quote: "I don't need glasses, I just can't see a thing without them."
Nice page, just perk it up a little bit!
Rain - 11/09/97 03:32:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/6053/
My Email:CuteAye@aol.com
City: Erie
State/Province: PA
Country: United States
Webring: none currently
Culture: Chinese
Favorite Quote: Cool
Please take time to sign my luxurious guestbook!
enjoy your stay
~Dusk's Own~ - 11/02/97 01:45:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/2046
My Email:DusksOwn@juno.com
State/Province: TEXAS
Webring: Eh? Well...you "could" consider me one of the people of "The Ring Of Power"...but I'm not offically
Favorite Quote: "If you "really" know that person...how many nerves do they have in their brain?!"
Hm...third one? Well, that's okay. I just thought I'd say howdy, and leave a small mark on your page...so you know that people actully "do" come visit these things.. ;) Uh..keep up the good work, I guess. See ya! (no...I'm not "usually" this insane..