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Blue's Clues

Blue's House

Welcome to our Unofficial Blue's Clues Web Site. You can see this show on Nickelodeon weekdays at 9:30a.m. and 12:30p.m. Eastern and Pacific Times, and Saturday and Sunday Mornings at 6:30a.m. Nick shows the same show 5 days a week so preschoolers learn easier by seeing it repeated five times. The best part is there are no commercials during the 25 minute show.

Row of Blues Clues

Hello! We would like to let you know a couple of things.
  1. There has been a Recall on the Handy Dandy Notebooks manufactured by Colorbok. If your child is still playing with their notebook, please take it away. And check out our Recall page for more information! We have noted that several stores are ignoring the recall and are still carrying the products.

  2. Steve is alive and well! There are rumors floating around that he has died. Their are several versions of these rumors, :( but they have been around since July 98! They just keep changing. If something ever did happen, we would post notice here!

Check out our page of Blue's Clues Party Ideas many from other Blue's Clues Fans. Stop by and have a look. If you have an idea that you don't see, please let us know, and we will include it in our next newsletter. And then add it to this page.
Now you can purchase Blue's CLues Party goods at Lisa's Toys Stop by and have a look!

Fan Club
Our Unofficial Blues Clues Fan Club has grown drastically over the past 23 months we have had over 6000 families of kids and adults sign-up! We hope that everyone who loves Blues Clues, will join our new Fan Club, and make it the best there is. We send out a newsletter every other month, with updates about Blue's Clues and ideas from other Blue's clues Fans.

Blue's Wav Page

Our Blue's Wav Page with different Blue's Clues Songs and Stories. :-) We hope that you will enjoy these.

Blues Clues Character Guide
Stop by and find more information about all the characters on Blue's Clues!

Blues Clues Activity Pages
There are Dot-to-Dot and Coloring Pages that we made, and Word Search Puzzles. There are also links to Nick Jr's Teachers guide for Blues Clues activities. We will be adding more as time goes by.

Blues Clues Links
These are only some of the great Blue's Clues Pages out there!

If you have a webpage, stop by and apply for our Blue's Clues Award!

Row of Blues Clues

Mailbox We try to answer all email that we get, but occassionally we are not able to, but we appreciate your message..

No Credit - Bad Credit - Get A FirstNet Card Today

sign our Handy Dandy Notebook Guestbook by Lpage view our Handy Dandy Notebook

Visit CDNow, for all your Music and Video Needs!
Blue's Clues Video's

Right now, CD now has Blue's Clues Big Pajama Party! for only $6.96! 30% off!
This Show was just aired 10/10 and the video was released 10/12! - Get your copy now!

Or search for a Music CD!

Or search for a Movie!

Willie's Blues Clues Page in Association with Amazon.com.
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The original Blue's Clues Webring!! With over 40,000 hits in the last 8 weeks! Number one for kids webrings!
Blue's Clues Ring

This Blue's Clues Ring site
is owned by Willie's Blue's Clues Page!.

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WARNING: Because of the nature of the Net, and the Web in particular, it is possible to access a series of links that may take a child to almost anywhere. Parents should supervise children while they browse the Web.

The Nickelodeon Web Ring This Nickelodeon Web Ring site
is owned by Willie

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All characters copyright 1997-98 by Viacom International and Nickelodeon. This site is maintained for the enjoyment of my children who love Blue's Clues. I am not contected to the production of Blue's Clues.

Please do NOT take any of our images, except those that are on our Images Page. We created these for our site, and would appreciate it if you would ask before just taking. Thank you for your consideration!

Support Blue's Clues on the Web!!

Last Updated: January 30, 2000
Copyright © 1997-2000 by Willie
Email: Willie
Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/~willie-dyllan/