Dino Puzzles
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Dino Info Pages
Dino Webring
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One of Dyllan's favorite things in this world is Dinosaurs! He goes crazy anytime he comes across a dinosaur, especially on the internet, or on the computer.
We started this page because we weren't finding very many Dinosaur Pages for kids. We have created A-Z coloring Pages, Dino Mazes, Dino Dot-to-Dot's, and a Dinosaur for kids Webring.
We are now adding both Dinosaur Puzzles and More information about Dinosaurs. The Dinosaurs will each have their own page with their stats, and other information. The Dinosaur Puzzles will be some that are Crossword, Word Search and Math type puzzles.
It has been a while since we updated, but are trying to get more fun things online soon, so please Bookmark us, and come back often, so see what we have done!
[A to Z - Infomation Color Pages ] [ Dino Mazes and Dot-to-Dots ]
[ Dinosaur Math Puzzles ] [Crossword Puzzles ]
[ Dinosaur Information Pages ] [ Dinosaur for kids Webring ]
[ Continue on Webring ]
Our Dinosaur for Kids Webring. If you have a site about Dinosaurs, or just love dinosaurs, please join us in the webring. :-)