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"To attain, achieve and sustain the highest quality of shit possible in personal homepages."

That's what our mission is all about. To dispel the myth that personal homepages are just, quote: "Useless, stupid and a waste of time, set-up by half wits who only care about their dogs." endquote.

  • strive to be -the- personal homepage to go to for the real feeling of real people whilst bumping our counter up higher.
  • believe that girls rule, even with all the equality crap.
  • will someday get our own domain name.
  • do not believe in advertisements, even for money (as that would mean giving our address out to strangers :).
  • love Santa Claus (unless otherwise stated).
  • scratch our groin area at least once a day.

If you feel that this is you 'inner' mission, then prehaps you might want to join the ever growing ranks of Aherdofturtles.

We can offer you nothing but a place in which you can doodle your thoughts out to the world and show that You Are Different.

Thanks for actually squinting here.
Special thanks to Sher, for without her, AHoT could never be and I'm sorry for that night.
This small space is not enough to thank everyone.
Layout by Aherdofturtles
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