get a kick tush A+ award
So, you want a Kick Tush A+ Award? Well, you've come to the right place. This award isn't for any specific type of site, so anyone can win it. However, there are two rules that must be followed...
Really hard to remeber, huh? I don't give out awards weekly, monthly, yearly, or every other decade (???) I think that's utterly ridiculous. Instead, I give out the award to any site I think is deserving, so you might have a better chance of recieving one. I also figured, since I've been to "other" award pages, that an award should be given out by a site that's somewhat decent, and by someone who can truly appreciate all the work you've put into it (and if you've been to another site that gives awards, you probably think the same way... those piece of garbage sites, what the hell gives them the right to judge your page when theirs are horrifyingly bad!!!) So, if you haven't seen the rest of my site check it out and see for yourself if you'd like to get an award from a page like mine.
By now you're probably wondering what the award looks like, well...

It's a beauty, ain't it? Well if you want this award plastered on your page and your site listed in a special section in Link-o-Rama just fill out the following "brain not needed to complete" form. What are you waiting for? I like giving out awards!
<A HREF="/EnchantedForest/3484/index.html">
<IMG SRC="award.jpg"> </A>
NOTE: You may nominate your site as many times as you want. I realize people update and revamp their sites frequently, however, please do not apply more than once a month (you'll just piss me off and make me forget about your site's entire existense.)