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10 things to do when you're REALLY bored
- 1. Hold a Lava Lamp Show Spec-tac-ularistico
- These are exciting!!! Besides waiting about 15 minutes
for the Lava to even start moving, you can count all the Lava
bubbles that are formed before the lamp reaches its maximum
on time of 10 hours. Enjoy.
- 2. Watch the Weather Channel
- As you sit inside your house with absolute boredom, you might
as well watch the most boring TV channel ever created. If you
have already looked outside and seen what the weather is like,
it can't hurt to have your visions confirmed. WARNING: Stop
once you've realized the Weather Channel has a schedule and
you know what it is.
- 3. Refine Your Calculus Skills
- If you don't know calculus learn some. If you do, refine
your skills, it's always important that you know the integral
of 1/x is ln x, even if your lifetime goal is to be the manager
of a local Burger King.
- 4. Play Nintendo
- Not Nintendo 64 or Super Nintendo, I mean the good old 8-bit
regular Nintendo (you know that chunky gray thing that's
been collecting dust in your closet for years on end). Bust
out some of your favorite old games like Duck Hunt and Bubble
Bobble, then realize you have sunken to the ultimate "I'm
desperate for something to do" mode.
- 5. Shoe Tying Contest... You VS Yourself
- Get ready for two hours of pure heart pumping action! First
tie your right shoe as many times as you can in one hour, and
KEEP COUNT. Then try to beat your right shoe's record by tying
your left shoe as many times as you can in the next hour.
Shoe tying, it's the pinnacle of suspense.
- 6. Become a Turd Chaser
- This one's easy but oh so rank. To go turd chasing all you
have to do is walk around town to all the public bathrooms and
try to find the biggest chocolate hostage you've ever seen.
Don't worry, flushers need not apply (...not that the C.H.s
would actually be able to fit down the drain of the toilet.)
- 7. Deodorant/Antiperspirant Art
- The sweet smell of no sweat! This doesn't work well if you
you don't own stick deodorant. First pop the deodorant
out of its case. Then carve away. Make animals, furniture,
and put an end to body odor all at the same time.
- 8. Booger Darts
- Pull out your sibling's favorite picture of her/his boyfriend or
girlfriend. Tape it to the wall with duct tape then pick
and flick away. The more that stick the more repulsed your
sibling will be and the more fun it will be for you. I
guess that "booger face" comment about your sibling's date
really was true.
- 9. Dress the Naked Bum
- This is best for boring road trips. As you drive and drive and
drive to your destination search the road for items that will
either dress your nudey-pa-tudey bum or conceal his nudity.
By the way the naked bum has to be male, have you ever seen a
female bum?
- 10. Make a Web-Page About Things to do When You're Bored
- Hey, you've probably tried some weird things to rid yourself
of your boredom. So, why not share them with other people?
"Making web-pages worked for me!" (qtd. Hooked on Internet)