hese are our most favorite places on earth to go to! We can end up spending alot of time on these ones cause are lots of fun!
- Welcome to Fluff - Learn about marshmellows even listen to
marshmellow tunes.
- FREE E-Mail Gifts - Send food, kisses, postcards, flowers. Theres all
kinds of cyber stuff to send people
- Welcome to the LifeSavers Candystand - Tons of activities to do. Cool
interactive games, coloring books, magazines, information,
contests and special events even send out greeting cards.
- Hello
Kitty Big Fun Deluxe - Kids will
spend hours creating their own songs, stories and paintings while
learning reading, arithmetic, music, shapes, colors and more!
- The Official Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends
Web Site - Lots to see and
do here with Thomas the Engine.
- Say
It! Talking Cards - Let's
send a talking animated card to someone!!
- The
Official Home of the Beanie Babies - Theres games and fun and alot of other great
- Barney
Online - The official page
for Barney. There's a play page with lots and lots to do. And
even a club to join!
- Absolutely Free - Your Guide To Free Stuff For Kids - Lots of cool stuff to get for FREE!!
- Taco
Bell - Lets go and send a
friend a Taco Bell meal. Or even send a card.
- The Ultimate Veggie Tales Web Site - Come and meet Larry the Cucumber and Bob
the tomato. Lots to check out here! Wavs, midis, newsletter to
join, theres wallpaper and Win95 theme packs as well! Come for
lots of fun here.
- BOBOLI Virtual Delivery System - Let's send for a pizza!!
- Welcome to the Planet Blortland - Here help find the Bling's missing egg!
Tons of kids activities, & learn to read stories! Listen to
Zurp's Rap song!
- Awesome
Award Center - Send an
award to someone and make them smile!
- Nickelodeon - Entertainment and games, just for kids!
- Super Mario Brothers - Come here and download Super Mario
Brothers and have fun playing!
Kids: Welcome! - Check out
your favorite PBS shows and see whats happening. Lots of activies
to do as well.
- Sesame Street Lyrics Archive - Fun place to sing and learn those
favorite Sesame street songs. Wavs to download even and even some
great links.
- Lion King Postcards - Send out a cyber postcard of Simba or one of his
friends and send it to someone special. Even add a sound wav to
- Dr. Seuss's Seussville! - Games, books to read, pages to color, dot to
dots, recipes. It's all here!
- Jan Brett's Home Page - Lots of fun things to do here. Print out masks
and act out the stories, send an e-mail postcard, print out and
color some pages.
- Mail a Meal Postcard - ICE CREAM Desserts Menu - Let's send a friend a
cyber dessert or meal! This site has ice cream!!!!!!!
- At Warner
Bros. - we can send a
friend and grandma a card.
- Chuck
E. Cheese's Fun Net - Have
fun on Chuck E.'s site. Games, contests and all kinds of fun.
- General
Mills - "You Rule
School" - this site is just plain fun to play on, games,
free downloads of sounds, clipart, movies, learn magic tricks,
download a game. I mean for a cereal company there is a lot to do
- Kids
Space - Fun site where you
can see lots of kids sites, do activities, and even learn how to
make a web page (you may need mommy or daddy to help)
- Bibi the Honeybear - Come & meet Bibi the Honeybear! Read, color,
learn to count, make your mommy or daddy a surprise. You can play
and learn from this site!
- Gus
Town Kids Site - Play
games, cook, crafts, send a cyber card. Keeps you really busy
- K.E.W.E.L. -
(Kids Excellent Web Links) - HUGE site of links for kids. Lots of
fun to go through.
- Humongous
Entertainment - Lots of
activities & pictures. Demo games too. Really keeps us busy
for a long time!
- Virginia PTA Kids Only - Over 570 Sites! You'll never get bored here.
- Children's Stories, Poems, Pictures and
Sounds - Has places from
all over the web to see & do things.
- Billy
Bears Playground -
Make a storybook, listen to music. Free fun & games to play.
Lots to do and see here.
- Dr. Seuss -
Green Eggs n Ham, Cat in the Hat. Puzzles, lots to do here.
Anything you want to know about Dr. Seuss and his stories is
here. Lots of fun!
- Muppets Home Page - This is a fun site to go to if you like Kermit,
Miss Piggy or any of the Muppets characters. Has lots of pictures
and links to other sites.
- Activities for Kids - Here's a site that has lists of things
to do with your mommy and daddy without using your TV set!
- Cool Spots for Kids - This is a fun site of tons of things to do. Fun,
games, educational stuff, being a detective, you can even go and
travel to different places in the world!
- Bonus.com
for Kids - This is a super
site for kids! Tons and tons to do here. Play, color, explore,
imagine and even dissect!
- Mr.
Bill's World - Another
really fun site. There's a club to join, listen to Mr. Bill's
music (he is a musician), play a game or 2. He has a good
assortment of games check out.
- Star
Wars Trilogy Special Edition - This is Gabrielle's and her daddy's most favorite
movie in the whole wide world. Here there are lots of pictures to
color and some games to play.
- Grandpa
Tucker's Rhymes and Tales
- Silly stories, poems and activities that teach us and let us
have lots of fun as a family. This is one of our special sites.
- Pez Home Page
- Let's go and see how they make the candy Pez.
- Froggy Page -
Frog sounds, frog pictures, frog stories, frog tales, anything
and everything to do with froggies is here on this site. This one
was just plain fun!
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Revised: January 29, 2000.
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