What ya wanna do? Color? A craft? Cook? Make something? Play a game? Here you will find lots of things to do. And hours of fun!
- The Activity Cupboard - Heres a place that has
tons of things to make, cook, and do for us little kids. Crafts,
activities, recipes all for us kids!
- Preschool Acitivity Page - Crafts, activities and
things to do as well as suggested stories to read too for the
- Welcome to Creative Kids - Sign on and head off for
lots of fun things to do! Games, stories, jokes, things to do,
color. Hours of fun.
- Color Me Posters - Print out and color
posters of Barnyard Buddies
- Welcome to DreamBox - There is so much to do
here. It's a special place of colorful illustrations, Shockwave
movies, children's stories and graphics.
- Virtual Farmland - Bored with nothing to do?
Well, here's a site that's fun and also teaches us about farms.
There's activities, games, listen to different farm sounds. Lots
of really cool photos of animals and farm stuff.
- Knight School - This site is THE best in
kids sites. It has everything. Has activies, huge selection of
coloring book pages, education stuff. Will keep a kid busy for
- Cyber Kids Home Page - Lots of fun here. Games,
puzzles, meet other kids.
- Cooking with Young Children - A fun site that has
recipes for kids to make to eat or play or for crafts that
require a little supervision. Even has recipes that don't require
- FAO Schwartz - Let's go check out a toy
- Kids Place - Tons of stuff to
do....everything from games to download to educational to places
to visit and things to do. This place will keep you busy.
- Find the Puppies - Lets go and play Find the
Puppies on the Disney site.
- Kiddies Korner - A site of all kinds of
links to Interactive kids game sites
- Big Top Arts and Crafts - Lets go and make
something fun
- Ben and Jerry's Fun Stuff - There's always something
fun to do here. Get ready for winter with the games and crafts.
- Humongous Coloring page - Go and print out and
color some of your favorite pals from the show Humongous like
Putt Putt or Freddy Fish.
- Professor
Bubbles' "Official" Bubble Homepage - Lets go have some fun
with bubbles!!! Bubble solution recipes, ideas on what to use to
blow bubbles. Recipes really really work too!
- The Family Games Homepage Educational
- Try out and download fun and educational games. Wonderful site.
Click on the word "free" and that next page is
- All 4 Kids Greeting Cards &
- Let's send someone special a card and let them know we are
thinking about them.
- Stage Hand Puppets Activity Page - Here's site that has step
by step instructions, patterns, everything for making all kinds
of puppets, plus you can even learn how to be a ventriloquist!
- Welcome to Kellogg's Planet - Check out the fun stuff
here. Games, pages to color, send a postcard, take some tours of
places in the world like a rainforest! Lots and lots of fun!
- Cyber Jacques' Cyber Seas Treasure
- Lots of online games to play for little kids.
- Garfield Online - Check out what Garfield
is up to. Send out a cyber postcard, try out something in his
cookbook, look at the comics, color in his coloring book,
download a screensaver. Lots to do and have fun with on this
- Bananas in Pajamas - Come and have fun with B1
& B2. Songs, links, alot of fun.
- Kinder Net - This site was made for us
little kids. There are activities, coloring pages, dinosaurs, and
online things to do. We really like this site!
- "Ddog's" House - Come and check out what
ddog and his friends are doing today. Games, pictures to color,
mazes, songs, stories make this site lots of fun.
- Living Books - This is a really fun site
to go to. Play or download fun games, demos, be read an online
story, color, and there's even a section to go and learn
something new. Lots to do here and really lots of fun! Cool
graphics too.
- Michael's KidsClub Online! - Fun and easy arts n craft
projects for kids
- Sharon, Lois & Bram Club -E - Come and have fun with
the gang from Club E.. Join the club, see sights or sounds from
the show, how about a game, or a craft, or check out some
elephant links!
- Charlie's Coloring Book - Remember Charlie Tuna?
Well, he has a coloring book now. Recipes, and his story are here
- WebXina Sites For Kids of All Ages - Oodles of links of
activities, places to go to learn, play, have fun, about other
kids, arts and museums. Lots to do to from here!
- Summer Fun - All kinds of things to do
here things to do indoors and out, even kids recipes, crafts and
even gardening!
- Kidsworld from Tandem House - Stories, jokes, puzzles,
games to play. The list goes on and on.
- Stubbed Toe - Go and play Tick tack
- The Totally Kids Page - Mama Hen has made a
wonderful safe site for kids to go to. Tons of fun things to do,
learn and sites for fun kids food. Links to all kinds of fun
sites, places to download programs to learn with. We love coming
and visiting her.
- Rugrats Preschool Page - Lots and lots to do here!
Like Animals? How about some slimey yucky stuff? This site has
fun recipes, stories, and lots of other things to do!
- BusyWEB - If you like Richard
Scarry stories as much as we do then ya got to come here. There
are pictures to look at and even pictures to color. We come here
- Idea Box- (Early childhood Education
& Activity Resources) Lots of crafts, recipes, things to do
for us kids. Lots to do here. Hours of fun.
- Welcome to MooTown! - Fun online games to play!
- Family.
- Here they have activities for inside, outside. Crafts and stuff
to make too. From Disney
- Aunt Annie Craft Program - She has new crafts every
week to make. Lots of fun!
- Children's
Television Workshop - there is always something to do.
Coloring book pages to print out, play games, read stories,
theres even stickers to play with.
- Rainey Day Resource Page - Tons of things to do OFF
the computer. Crafts, recipes, books, all kinds of fun stuff!
- Nikolai's Web Site - They have lots of crafts,
stories, coloring pages, recipes, activities.
- Tiggers Childrens
Software & More - Shareware & Freeware Programs
for Kids. Holiday pages with mazes, puzzles, software, and
- Disney Story of the Month - Snuggle up on your
favorite lap and read your favorite Disney story. Jungle Book,
Cinderella, and many more to chose from. Even has pictures!
- Fox
TV for Kids
- A really busy site of things to do for kids! You can watch
movies, listen to music, make pages to color, play games. The
list goes on!
- The Judy and David Page - If you like music, then
here's a place to be. Fun music, and pages to print out and color
- Headbone Interactive Zone - Lots of color, always a
free game or 2 to download, riddles, lots of silly activities to
keep toddlers having fun.
- "Play-With-Me" Storybooks - These are the coolest!
Games for toddlers to play, pictures to color and stories. We
love the music!
- Lullabies and Other Songs for
- We love music. Here there are all kinds of wonderful lyrics to
songs. Good music for small children to dance to or for quiet
time as well.
- True Friends Have Fun - Here have fun with a
story, art, music.
- Mr. MacGillicuddy's Home Page - Really neat Christian
activity site. Dot to dots, learn a Bible verse, read a story,
color, look at pictures, join a club! Lots to do!
- Totware - Freeware and shareware
programs for us toddlers and preschoolers. Some are for play and
some are for learning. Mac and PC available!
- Microsoft Kids - Download and try out some
MS games for kids. Try a fun demo of Creative Writer.
- KISS Paper Dolls - Let's play with
paperdolls. Mommy doesn't have to cut them out! Freeware.
- MCA Universal Kid's Playroom - Pictures to color, arcade
games to play. Songs, sites, sounds of your favorite movies
like,Little Foot, Balto, and many more. Color pictures of Babe,
Timmy the Tooth and many many more!
- Welcome to Bry-Back Manor - All the games to download
are freeware. Sections to print out and color, & a special
garden section with flower clip art, books & activities.
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