Let Us Introduce Ourselves!
Our names are Kiersten & Gabrielle. We are 4 & 5 years old. After surfing the net, we decided to make a spot that is fun and has things to do for us kids. There are so many things that we like to do that we wanted to share them with you all. So that's what we did! With the help of our mommy, we picked out some stuff that we thought you might like too. Hope you like it!
Gabrielle (thats me) loves to color and play house. Kiersten loves to tag - along and play dress-up and we both love to shop! Kiersten is also a big fan of Veggie Tales, and we LOVE to play with our Barbies!
We both love hot dogs and chips for lunch, but my most favorite food is Kraft Animaniacs and cheese. Kiersten really loves cereal and bananas, and we both love to drink Ovaltine.
My sister and I are alot like our Aunt Rachel, we love to listen to a Christian singer named Carman. We also really really like to listen and dance to Amy Grant. They both sing about Jesus. We love to sing and dance about Jesus too.
Come back and visit us out every now and then cause we are going to be putting in new things as we go along! Have fun! Hope you enjoyed your visit here. See ya real soon! Bye For Now!
Gabrielle and Kiersten
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