The Southern Lehigh Cross Country Team is a member of the Colonial League in District XI of Pennsylvania. Along with headcoach Mr. Brian Sourewine, the 1997 - 1998 team is coached by Mr. Jason Switzer. Boys and girls combined, there are 35 team members.
This page is maintained by Brian Binkley . If by chance that your browser is not setup to email directly from the web, my email address is Please send me your comments, questions, and/or suggestions!!! Tell me about your Varsity Letter requirements. Let me know if you know of any cool links of other High School Cross Country Teams because I plan to add a page of links to other teams around the country. What the heck, Email me for no reason what-so-ever, 'cause I love getting mail. Let me know that you stopped by, I'll greatly appreciate it. I usually will reply within three days, but homework and the workouts can get in the way so please be patient.