Thanks for visting my page. Feel free to leave any comments that you wish. Thanks again! |
Moreno - 01/17/00 19:47:27 Favorite Sports: Cross Country | Comments: Nice Sight! Check our team sight at |
Genny - 12/26/99 01:23:39 My URL: My Age: teen Favorite Sports: track, running (not so much cross country), some others, most of all track, the quarter rules | Comments: i love your page on running. its cool. i think you did a good job with it. check out my track page. its still under major constuction, but theres some stuff on it |
- 10/08/99 02:23:59 | Comments: |
Dave Oertner - 10/08/99 02:20:56 My Age: 39 Favorite Sports: golf, basketball, CC | Comments: |
Martin - 08/19/99 17:42:12 My URL: My Favorite Sports: Breakout game | Comments: |
Paris Community Leaders - 08/08/99 17:12:29 My URL:/Paris/2472 Favorite Sports: Geo Surfing | Comments:
Sarah Bauman - 05/07/99 03:38:08 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: cheerleading, ice hocky, football, baseball | Comments: Hey babe, cute site. I was looking through Yahoo! Pager and saw your name, so I decided to find out more about you and here I am. I'm from Souderton, Pa and have cousins who live in Coopersburg. (My cousin Matt Alison graduated last year from Southern Le igh). Anyways you sound like a very interesting person, obviously interested in track. If you ever want to talk my Yahoo ID for pager is RahRah4ever and my AOL screen name is sarbau. It was nice reading about you. ô¿ô Maybe I'll hear from you! - Sar h |
Big Dogg - 03/04/99 20:19:20 My URL: My Age: 20 Favorite Sports: Sleeping | Comments: You call this a web site? C'mon click on my site to see a real site! |
Lewis - 02/09/99 15:57:32 My URL: My Age: 15 Favorite Sports: Cross country, track | Comments: Nice page. Please visit ours at the page mentioned above, and don't forget to sign the guestbook. Thanks a lot -------- Lewis Pauley |
Ben Holcomb - 01/22/99 18:36:50 My URL: My Age: 14 Favorite Sports: Hockey football | Comments: Great Page. Although why's this OLD geoguide on the addbook page? oh well :) |
Amanda - 09/07/98 19:06:42 My URL: My Age: 19 Favorite Sports: baseball | Comments: Cool web page! I found it while looking through PSU students' web pages. Go Lions! |
ShannyFan - 09/03/98 02:41:15 My URL: My Age: 14 Favorite Sports: Football and Hockey | Comments: Great Page Brian! |
lois and kris - 08/19/98 02:11:37 My Age: young babes Favorite Sports: eating chocolate | Comments: Hi, Brian.. Auntie Lois here with my pal, Dr. K. Cool web page man!!!!! |
Sandra Glasmire - 08/17/98 10:27:29 My | Comments: You did a very good job on this website. I was hoping to find out the time of the first practice time this summer. |
Jason - 07/22/98 03:49:23 My URL: My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: track, xc, basketball, paintball | Comments: Great site! Keep up the good work! |
Jacob Bell - 07/22/98 01:08:14 My URL: My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: baseball, running | Comments: Hi, I found your site looking for help on designing my homepage. I have trying to figure it out but can't so I figuered I'd ask someone. How do I get pictures from the internet, or off my disk that I downloaded pictures from the net onto my geocities ho epage? I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. |
JAY - 07/14/98 16:40:10 My URL:http://geocities My Age: 17 Favorite Sports: all sports | Comments: hey ur webpage is great, i just created mine, and i need some help wid graphic designs. think u can help? |
Fred King - 07/05/98 13:16:17 My URL: My Age: 21 Favorite Sports: Sweaty Stuff | Comments: Hey Bink...check mine out too! |
Fred King - 07/05/98 11:20:01 My Age: 21 Favorite Sports: Stuff that makes you sweat! | Comments: Bink, big man, how is everything going for you? I like the page! Just need to get a picture of 94-95 XC team. I'll be back at PSU soon! Give me a write! |
Tim Bowers - 06/09/98 04:01:06 My URL: My Age: way too old Favorite Sports: living vicariously thru my children | Comments: Nice page! Amazed to find myself listed in the top 75! (A proud #68!) |
opencode - 05/19/98 03:22:52 My URL: | Comments: there .. signed it :) |
Taylor - 05/10/98 20:37:06 My Age: 11 Favorite Sports: hockey | Comments: Pavel Bure is the best in the N.H.L.!!! |
Sheila - 05/06/98 14:22:05 My Age: 33 Favorite Sports: running | Comments: Looks like I just bumped up the average age of persons visiting your website. Thanks for compiling the info on road races because it's not always easy to find a local road race. |
Jenny McCarthy - 05/04/98 04:52:36 My URL: My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: Volleyball and Hockey | Comments: Cool Page! pethetic original comment i know, but it is! |
Shad0ws - 04/29/98 03:52:07 My Age: n/a Favorite Sports: Soccer | Comments: I like your web page. Good job. |
dajota - 04/29/98 02:48:23 My URL: My Age: 19 Favorite Sports: hockey, soccer, football | Comments: Nice page. Lots of running info. Nice design. |
Asri - 04/26/98 05:56:04 My URL: My Age: 20 Favorite Sports: basketball, pool | Comments: sign my guestbook too |
Pat Day - 04/15/98 18:36:29 My URL: My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: football | Comments: Keep on Runn'in'Binkley. Awesome pics. Where's the link to my page though? |
Kim Haug - 04/10/98 03:27:58 My URL: My Age: 15 Favorite Sports: dont know | Comments: Brian you problie have no clue who I am but I was a frosh when you were a senior. Last year. I got your addy from the SL homepage and decided to check it out. Well, it's cool and I enjoyed it. Check out mine and tell me what you think. L8R. |
Kristi - 04/03/98 04:31:02 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: softball | Comments: hey there brian..just wanted to say hello and congradualtions on ur web page...ill see ya later sweetie...kisses |
Heidi Endy - 04/01/98 14:46:21 My Age: 19 Favorite Sports: running | Comments: Brian, Finally checked out the page!! (Hey, a half marathon THIS year HAHAHAHA you're out of your mind if you think I'm running it with you!!! good luck if you do, though.) well, anyway, the page looks good, although I agree with Dawn... girls XC would be nic !! Heids |
Gigi16 - 03/22/98 04:47:33 My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: Swimming & Water Polo | Comments: I love you site, I was hoping to see the Vermont pictures, let me know when you post them. |
Dianne - 03/17/98 20:42:54 My Age: ???? Favorite Sports: Walking | Comments: Not much has changed since I last visited, but I do so much enjoy each visit. Keep up the good work. lyl |
JEFF - 03/15/98 19:40:01 Age: 16 | Comments: |
Keith L. Snyder - 03/15/98 07:16:06 My Age: 46 Favorite Sports: Soccer/Football | Comments: Very interesting. It did take me three times this attempt and two previous attempts to get here. How do I keep this somewhere that I can just HIT A BUTTON and I am in Bink World! |
Emily Varilek - 03/07/98 20:41:08 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: watching them! | Comments: |
Melissa Jane - 02/24/98 20:50:21 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: all sports | Comments: Hey Brian, I like your web page. It is cool. Maybe I will make me one one day. Who knows. Well I will talk to you later. Be Sweet. Melissa Jane |
BIANCA ALARCON - 02/24/98 20:26:21 My Age: 19 Favorite Sports: cheerleading (yes, it's a sport), weightlifting, football, and MEN | Comments: Bri, you're madd cool peoples. Thanks for all the help you've given me, especially with computer stuff and chem. I'm glad that I got to meet you this year at PSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Bob &Judy Yost - 02/19/98 21:57:02 My Age: ??? Favorite Sports: Nascar | Comments: friends of Lois & Tom. Just checking out your web site! |
t.j. lanning - 01/14/98 17:14:16 My URL: My Age: 17 Favorite Sports: Bowling, Billiards, Volleyball, Baseball | Comments: What's up Bink? Nothing much here. Sitting in tech. class on the "off limits" computer:) |
Lou Nunez - 01/06/98 13:02:17 My URL: My Age: An Ancient 36 Favorite Sports: Running, Baseball | Comments: Cool Site. Found it while surfing around looking for races in Eastern Pennsy. Good Luck, and maybe I'll "run" into you at a race. :) |
Daley Speer - 12/31/97 03:38:30 My Age: 39 Favorite Sports: running, golf | Comments: |
Chris - 12/29/97 18:24:17 My URL: My Favorite Sports: Running/Wrestling | Comments: |
Jim Feltman (again) - 12/29/97 05:04:50 My URL: My Age: 43 | Comments: just got my web site up |
Kirk S. - 12/27/97 17:04:30 My URL: My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: Running, Swimming, Tennis | Comments: Saw your url in the running newsgroup, thought I'd give your site a visit - it always made me feel good when someone visited mine, and signed my guestbook. Anyway, nice site you got here. Keep it up and keep on running. XC rules. |
Phil Margolies - 12/27/97 14:50:58 My URL: My Age: 40 Favorite Sports: running | Comments: Hi Brian, Nice work on the web page. One thing I don't like about most GeoCities web pages is the annoying consoles that keep popping up. I know there's probably not much you can do about it other than changing ISP's. That aside, a very good site. -Phil |
April Bilinski - 12/03/97 00:07:36 Age: 17 Favorite Sports: cross country and track | Comments: Hi Brian :) I really liked your homepage, and it took a while to get into it, because my computer is gay! Good Luck in school ,and I hope to see you in a couple years at main, and run with you. Good luck! |
Jim Feltman - 11/30/97 07:11:53 My Age: 43 Favorite Sports: rodeo | Comments: Nice looking page- well done. I am the guy you were chatting with about win95. I will let you know when I get mine up. Good luck. |
Ryan - 11/17/97 21:41:09 My URL: My Age: 19 Favorite Sports: Ice Hockey | Comments: hey brian this is pretty good, but mine will be better in time:) check up in a few days |
Jane Morris - 11/10/97 23:58:51 My Age: 17 Favorite Sports: Netball, dancing | Comments: Well, unfortunately your homepage was pretty crappy - no offence. We got your address from this cool letter that proved how chocolate is better than sex. We pissed ourselves and thought that there might be more of this sort of stuff on your homepage. Obvi usly not. If you do happen to have any more of this type of stuff please forward it to my e-mail address. Thanks! |
dawn metzler - 11/07/97 16:14:47 Favorite Sports: cross country | Comments: Where are the pic. of the girls cross teams?? Just pulling your leg! Your page is cool Brian! |
Myc Rios - 11/07/97 02:08:07 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: Aggressive Inline and slacking at track practice | Comments: Nice touch ups to the site Bink. Just wanted to give ya my e-mail address, and say what's up. E-mail me when you get a chance. |
Sandra Mastrodonato - 11/05/97 02:22:51 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: competitive swimming | Comments: Good web page, sounds like you are really into cross country, that's awesome. My friend from Delaware sent me your forward on Chocolate, I think that was yours, it was funny. Thanks for making my day humorous. |
Travis Thatcher - 10/28/97 20:24:46 My URL: My Age: 15 Favorite Sports: running, flying, skating, skiing...etc. | Comments: Hi Brian, got your page url from one of the emails laura burks forwarded me....i got a kick out of the toothbrush one....check out my page and let me know what you think...i still have some work to do on it. P.S. my url is case-sensitive |
Teresa Marchese - 10/27/97 19:03:58 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: basketball, football | Comments: Brian Binkley is a nut who sends me 13 messages at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
JBell - 10/16/97 02:05:20 My URL: My Favorite Sports: XC & Track | Comments: Excelent page. Thanks for stopping by mine. |
Eric DeLaPena - 10/14/97 23:07:32 My URL: My Age: 42 Favorite Sports: running | Comments: I like your home page and now that you are at Penn State, I am sure that you will probably improve on it. Are you a middle distance runner on the track or do you run 10k for college. |
Ron Brown - 10/12/97 20:24:08 My URL: My Age: 27 Favorite Sports: Track and Football | Comments: Nice page, I am a head Track coach in Wenatchee Washington. It is always nice to read about those who are interested in T & F. |
Hideo Saito - 10/11/97 13:49:56 My URL: My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: Cross-Country, Track, Following Baseball | Comments: Great Page! I thought I'd stop by because you signed my guestbook. Keep up the good work. |
Tro Hill - 10/09/97 16:12:26 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: anything with wheels | Comments: good web page! this one tells more information than most commercial pages. are the co.s you advertise paying you? Oh yea i completly forgot the BOAT! |
dianne - 10/09/97 14:22:07 My Age: old Favorite Sports: watching others run their hearts out | Comments: Great job, but I had trouble finding some good pictures. |
Michael Rasmussen - 10/08/97 12:36:05 My URL: My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: Running | Comments: I like your page keep up the good work. By the way what is the story with PA HS runners not being able to run in Foot Locker and other post season stuff. Are people mad about it? What do you think? |
Mike Styczynski - 10/08/97 00:44:32 My URL: My Age: 15 Favorite Sports: hockey, soccer and cross country | Comments: nice page, man. you signed the guestbook at my >-cc-> page (, and sure, you can take the terms from my page. could i have a link from your page too? one of these days, when i get around to updating my pages, i'll add a link to yours. but not right now...i just got back fro a meet, scored an 18:12 (really good for my team...), so nothing much doing tonight except resting my legs. wow, i just wrote a lot to a person i don't know. adios, sty |
Amy Chamberlain - 10/07/97 14:00:27 My Age: 18 Favorite Sports: softball, working out | Comments: Great homepage Brian!!!!!! |
Amy Hencke - 10/03/97 13:26:49 My Age: 18 | Comments: Hey! This is the first time I ever looked at your homepage! Not bad and that picture looks familiar :) Keep smiling :) |
Heather Weaver - 08/30/97 06:04:33 My URL: My | Comments: Hey there. Congrats on getting out of SLHS. Good Luck at PSU. I am at IIT in Chicago. Life outside PA is so nice! Have fun running. |
Jill Hughes - 08/27/97 02:40:07 GMT My Age: 16 Favorite Sports: volleyball,soccer,basketball,hockey,and figure skating |
Comments: Just surfed on ..checking out other people's pages for ideas ...but you probably don't know me ..although I use to go on your school bus a few years ago. I live on Flint Hill. Nice web page! Good luck in all you do! Peace! |
Forest Gump - 06/26/97 14:31:30 GMT My URL: My Age: 42 Favorite Sports: Runnnnnning < td> | Comments: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get. |