About the Author

First, I'd like to say hi to all of you cross country lovers. I think you'll agree that once you start a program on a regular faithful basis, it's hard not to love cross country. I know I do, and I can't wait till I get done with school or work to get in a good run to relieve a day's worth of stress.

I'd like to thank you for visting the SLHS Cross Country Team Homepage. My name is Brian Binkley and just graduated this year from Southern Lehigh High School in Center Valley, PA, but my brother Mark is filling in my shoes as a freshman. As I previously stated, I love running cross country, winter track, and spring track. Between the two track seasons, I'd have to say that I enjoy winter track more because of the great snow ball fights that I have with my friends, ChirsWillman, Jake Curtis (who both happen to be a whole lot faster than me) and others, after practice.

During my freshman year of cross country, our team went 8-0 and won the league trophy. The following two years were 'rebuilding' years and for a final season, we enjoyed a quite successful 4th place in a league of 11 other teams. This year was certainly my best as I had prs (personel records) at every single race. That is pretty hard to accomplish as a senior since your times are getting close to your maximum. I cut down my time at our home course of 2.8 miles to 17:55.0. I was extremely happy with this time since I don't exactly have natural talent (none what-so-ever) and I told our Coach at the beginning of the year that I'd like to drop 30 seconds off my previous best which would bring me to 18:30, but he said, "Why not 18 flat?" He was right and the hard work all summer long paid off. On that note, I'd like to thank Heidi Endy for running with me all summer and hopefully she'll run the Allentown 1/2 Marathon with me this year. I competed in that this past spring and didn't do that bad for my first.

Back to cross country. Although we didn't win any championships, or have anyone place in states (Jason Curtis & Kim Jaick went), I enjoyed this year so much because we performed better than what I could have imagined. By the end of the season, we were all competing at our best and worked together as a team. That me so happy to see as the solo Boys Captain.

Outside of running, I'm really never at home except to eat and sleep, and sometimes not even that much! In school I took some advanced classes since I will major in architectural engineering. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA. I also am an Eagle Boy Scout (age 13) and I am hooked on computers. I also take great pride in the recent National Engineering Design Challenger (NEDC) that I competed in with a bunch of students from school. We have a great technology department at school headed by Mr. Robert Yocum and Mr. Travis Lehman. I also spent a lot of free time during school in the tech labs playing with the mills, lathes, robots, and fixing the computers that freshman always seem to easily screw up. I also worked in our morning TV news show called WSOL. We have our own studio with equipment from a local TV station. I usually ran the cameras.

Beyound high school, I am attending Penn State University, Lehigh Valley Campus. I am majoring in Architectural Engineering and will go to University Park my sophomore year, and to answer everyone's first question, yes, I do have season tickets to see JoePa and his boys this fall. Unfortunately, since I will be attending a school of more than 30,000 students, I don't even have a one-in-a-million chance of making the track and cross country teams. So I'll just have to stick to my own program and compete in the local road races.

Well, I'm sure you now know more about me than what you actually wanted to know. Since you know me, you HAVE TO write me. Please! Once again, thanks for stopping by and tell everyone else that you know about the SLHS Cross Country Homepage.


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