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See what the butt will say when you pinch it in different parts

Just point and pinch!




This has been tested in Internet Explorer 5.0 only. It works this way: you pinch a part of the butt, and a message would popup telling you how it reacted to the pinch. You pinch it by clicking on the part that you itch to pinch. (Got it?)

ascii butt
anything goes
message in a bootie
smelly poetry
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Watch out for it!

Gonna pinch it or what? Are you brave enough to pinch the smelly part? PLEASE NOT THERE!!! NOT THERE!!! Please pinch gently Pinch it babe! Could you scratch this part pls Whadya lookin for in there huh? Want me to bend over? Could you massage this part please :) wanna remove my g-string huh? Oh so you wanna remove my g-string huh Want me to wiggle for you? Why would you pinch that? Come on, pinch it babe! Be bold and piiiinnnncccccccccchhhhhhhh it !