5 P a t i e n c e


M.A.P. Pupil

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General Info

About Me

M is for morally upright

A is for academically strong

P is for physically fit

All pupils are given a chance to serve in the class. Everyone has a role, a part to play to make 5 Patience a better place. This encourages bonding and it develops a sense of belonging as well as an attitude of other-people-centredness.

The following pupils are working with me directly this Semester, assisting me in the running of day-to-day operations. Please note that these roles are not more important that the rest. Pupils assuming these roles are given the task of assisting me with Discipline and Distribution of materials.

  1. Monitor: Daniel Stephen
  2. Monitress: Vivian Khaw
  3. Chiefs: Aw Li Na, Jeffrey Chai, Kok Hua Jian, Lim Zun Chen, Lin Geng, Low Yun Rui, Ng Jun Jie, SarahShamira, Tang Shi Rui, Zheng Yuan Yuan
  4. Subject Monitors: (E) Lau Qiao Dan, (M)Hafiz B Abdul, (S)Hisyam B Mustafa

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