My Pro-Life Page

Whatever your current view may be on this issue, please take the time to be informed:

Over 100 Pages of Abortion Statistics

As this is a very controversial subject I will begin by saying that I will attempt to express my opinions in terms that are not inflammatory or disrespectful. I apologize in advance for any times that I may fall short of that goal or where I may not be clear enough and therefore make it easy to be misunderstood. My desire is to create some thoughtful considerations in those who take the time to read what I have here. As always please feel free to respond.

My Pro-life Editorials

Knee Jerk Arguments
Fundamental Issues
The Pro-choice Dilemma
What's Good For The Goose...
My Pro-life Perspective
Labels and Propoganda
Birds of a Feather ...

Links & Resources

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Roe v Wade

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