My Editorials

Disclaimer: - NOT - The following really is my opinion and I will stand by it until CONVINCED otherwise. Please do not expect mere emotional begging to change me - I do have a heart but I also have a brain and I need to hear a rational argument if I am going to consider changing my beliefs on important issues. I do welcome dissenting views and encourage anyone to send them to me via email.

Are Chicago Women Really This Stupid? - Oct 07, 2004

The Limits of Our Language - May 11, 2004

Be Careful What You Believe - May 09, 2004

Mel Gibson Failed - April 15, 2004

OnStar and The Nanny State - March 25, 2004

Spinning Like A Top - Oct. 09, 2003

Child Endangerment - Bad - Unless... - Dec. 15, 2002

Why Do I Believe? - August 24, 2002

The Tyranny of Inanimate Objects - Feburary 2, 2002

Jerry Springer and the Fall of Rome - May 1, 1999

Editorials Concerning Elian Gonzalez:

My First Reaction - April 24, 2000

Lies and American Insanity - April 25, 2000

Who Should Decide? - April 26, 2000

Don't Question - Just Go Back to Sleep - April 27, 2000

Thanks for taking the time to read what I have to say. More editorials to follow as I have time and inspiration.

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