Many Durendal members enjoy participating in tournaments, if only to test their skills under pressure. Competition is available at all levels, from intra-club tournaments to regional and national tournaments.
Durendal Monthly Pools
We hold informal round-robin pool competitions during club hours on the second Tuesday of the month to provide some competitive experience for fencers from Durendal, the Madison Fencing Academy, and the University of Wisconsin Fencing Club. The entry fee is $2. Participating fencers range from near-beginners to experienced fencers. You do not need to be a member of the USFA to participate.
USFA regulations for equipment are enforced. Jackets, gloves, masks and plastrons can be rented from the club for $2 for the night, but fencers are expected to provide their own knickers and socks. Events start at approximately 7:30 PM.
See the events page for the schedule for upcoming pools.
Many of our members attend state, regional, and national-level tournaments. Car pooling among members is common. It is necessary to join the U.S. Fencing Association ($50 per year) to compete in most tournaments.
Fall 2007 Tournament Schedule
- 2007 fall tournaments in the area
- Wisconsin Division web paqe
-—a database of U.S. Tournaments