Jim Steinman, the international bestselling song writer &
record producer. He has worked with international artists like Meat Loaf, Barry
Manilow, Boyzone, Bonnie Tyler, Celine Dion, Air Supply, Barbara Streisand to
name a few. He currently has two internationally acclaimed musicals to his
credit, "Whistle Down the Wind" (with Andrew Lloyd Webber) and Tanz der
Vampire" (with Roman Polanski).
I have come upon some of his music by pure accident -
- seeing Streets of Fire in the cinema (not knowing
that Jim had written a couple of tracks for the soundtrack)
- finding Air Supply's Making Love in a record shop
in Dublin
- finding the Original Sin CD by Pandora's Box in a
record shop in London
Steinman's mini rock operas are unbelieveable - tracks like "Total
Eclipse of the Heart" and "Hot Summer Night". They're full of passion, energy,
excitement and anger. Listen to them and you will be hooked...
 My favourite songs are:
- Tonight is what it means to be young, Street's of
fire soundtrack
- It's all coming back to me now, Original sin
- Hot summer night, Bat out of hell
- Lost boys and golden girls, Bad for good
- Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere,
Original sin
- Heaven can wait, Bat out of hell
- Total eclipse of the heart, Faster than the speed of
- Out of the frying pan (and into the fire), Bad for
- Two out of three ain't bad, Bat out of hell
- Storm, Bad for good

Submit your favourite compilation list of Steinman
Covers for albums by Bonnie Tyler & Pandora's Box
and pics of Jimmy
My favourite Jim Steinman and related sites include:
 Jim Steinman The Official JS site
Neverland Hotel
Bonnie Tyler
Two recent musicals that Jim has co-written include "Tanz
der Vampire" and "Whistle Down the Wind".
Jim Steinman
Web Ring site owned by Damian
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