I don't take pictures like normal people anymore. I would like to, but my subconsious won't let me. I used to be able to take photos, but that all changed a couple of years ago, in my high school graduation trip to Europe. I opened up package after package, and all the pictures were overexposed, double-exposed, and just plain screwed up.
At first I blamed the developers; I mean, do drooling high-schoolers really know what they're doing? But vacation after vacation, the prints I got back were just as odd-looking. I blamed myself; I thought I didn't know how to operate my camera, or I just sucked as a photographer. But then I contacted my subconscious. And then I knew this was the way.
I now realize what I do when I -- with a little help from my subconscious -- press my finger on the shutter button: I'm making a statement. I not only freeze the tenuous situations in all posterity, but I inject my roiling emotions into its permanence, too. The following images may be ruined and wasted photos to you. Too me, it's art. Make way, Ansel Adams.
Page first established: 3-10-97
Page last modified: 11-25-98