Websites of Cities Around the World

When I began compiling a catch-all list of the best websites for major cities around the world, I was grasping by my fingertips to the hope that I could solve this mess. With city guides cropping up like rabbits and half-assed attempts to improve and then organize them, I had delusions I would pave the path and show the way for all to the only guides you should ever patronize, and damn the rest.

Well, I gave up. It's just too much, and it's just too messy. I'm not even sure my original criteria as to what makes a good site -- absolute comprehensiveness, an interface that has a lot of zing to it, a complete package that, at minimum, does not suck -- are good ones to subscribe to. I've realized that different guides will treat the same city with its own angle, and both have points of merit; it's a different but equal thing. Meanwhile, people with a lot more time on their hands went and built a good for every place anyone would want to travel to -- and with great results. If you just want lists, go to the USA CityLink Project and City.Net. And Microsoft's Expedia Guide is probably the most complete online travelogue for the world I've seen on the WWW.

But why give in to the 800-pound gorillas of the telecommunicative world when other, scrappier outfits have their acts together, too? Therefore, even though this may be a mere matter of semantics, I'm changing the focus of this list. Now, if I think it has more ... well, "zing" than all the others, I'm putting that city guide on that list. I'll try to avoid sites that have overt advertising that reflects an influence on that site's contents. A website that does not originate from its city, or its country, is disqualified. Unless there isn't a better one out there, a city guide that's a part of an entire global online travel system also does not count. And finally, and most importantly, I reserve the right to bend those rules for a guide as whenever I see fit. With those added stipulations, you'll see the best (hopefully) sites from the many individuals who built it from the ground up. If you have any comments, click on Mr. Mailbox below. Have fun on your trip.

The United States

World Cities

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Last modified: 11-25-98