So I have taken up the responsibility. The following are nearly all of the forwards I have received since the beginning of my freshman year in 1994. They are listed in the order I received them, although I'm thinking of grouping them into discernible categories. You may question the dubious nature of some of the forwards, that some of them aren't worthy of passing around. I have made judgement calls as to what I've posted, although anything I could convert into HTML form are in the list below. You'll also notice that the forwards don't look like forwards -- that they look "nice," with big titles and none of those ">"'s starting each sentence. I wanted people to see these forwards on their own, and you all know how crappy a forward looks after it's been passed around 10 ten times; so many of the sentences run out onto the next line you can't even read it. Trust me; nothing will get screwed up if you send it to someone's telnet or WWW account.
To send a forward, or to add one to your collection, you can send the forward through e-mail:
With Sex All Things Are Possible
100 Ways To Freak Out Your Roommate
50 Fun Things To Do In An Elevator
The Holy Mantra, And The History Of The Word "F---"
15 Things Not To Say To Your Parents
Red Riding Hood And The Gingrinch
A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide
Clinton Health Plan Terminologies
101 Things Not To Say During Sex
* * * Very Important Mail * * * Everyone Read!
Sorry If You've Seen This, But It Deserves Attention
Chelsea Clinton Is A Riot Grrrrl!!!
Thought You Might Get A Kick Out Of This...
"Friends: The Realistic Edition"
Two Interesting Stories.....With A Twist
Beer Is Better Than Women Because...
You Might Be A College Student
Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey
Just In Time For Valentine's Day!
You Know You've Been In College Too Long When...
Joke-Clean: Offensive To Lawyers
I Pay $1 For You To Eat Cereal
You've Heard About The V-Chip...
In Case You Haven't Been To Church Lately!
Last Modified: 2-28-01