The E-Mail Forward Archive

It's a rite of passage when you first get your e-mail account and, if careful steps aren't taken, it becomes an enormous part of your college life. I'm talking about the e-mail forward. We've all seen the kinds of forwards floating out there: the chain letter, the dubious donation offers, the jokes, the "25 Ways to...," the X-rated ones, the brain teasers, the cartoons that only work when you hold the space bar down, etc. One day I wondered how many forwards are out there, and I decided that someone, dammit, had to keep count.

So I have taken up the responsibility. The following are nearly all of the forwards I have received since the beginning of my freshman year in 1994. They are listed in the order I received them, although I'm thinking of grouping them into discernible categories. You may question the dubious nature of some of the forwards, that some of them aren't worthy of passing around. I have made judgement calls as to what I've posted, although anything I could convert into HTML form are in the list below. You'll also notice that the forwards don't look like forwards -- that they look "nice," with big titles and none of those ">"'s starting each sentence. I wanted people to see these forwards on their own, and you all know how crappy a forward looks after it's been passed around 10 ten times; so many of the sentences run out onto the next line you can't even read it. Trust me; nothing will get screwed up if you send it to someone's telnet or WWW account.

To send a forward, or to add one to your collection, you can send the forward through e-mail:

  1. Highlight the entire forward;
  2. Open up the "Mail Document" option; a new screen should pop up;
  3. "Copy" the document onto the e-mail screen, say anything else you want to say, and send it to the right address(make sure you've typed your name into the letter beforehand. If you haven't, change it by going to "Preferences").
I have to thank everyone who has sent me forwards, especially Erik Carlson and Nara Weng, who probably have sent the most. I am nowhere near treating all the forwards I've received for the web, so please check back periodically for the latest editions. I'm always looking for more, so if you've got something I don't have here, or if you have any other problems with sending a particular forward, feel free to e-mail me.

With Sex All Things Are Possible

100 Ways To Freak Out Your Roommate


The Brady Bunch XXX

50 Fun Things To Do In An Elevator


Pickup Lines

Norm Quotes

Quayle Quotes

Why Ask Why

Die Barney!

The Italian Who Went To Malta

Star Wars


The Holy Mantra, And The History Of The Word "F---"

15 Things Not To Say To Your Parents

Deep Thoughts, By Jack Handy

More Deep Thoughts

Sexual Consent Form

Party Games XXX

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Music Jokes

Getting Rid Of Blind Dates

Red Riding Hood And The Gingrinch

'Twas The Night Before Finals

A Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide

Clinton Health Plan Terminologies

Diagnose Your Computer

101 Things Not To Say During Sex


More Before Finals Fun


A Hold Nude World XXX

Enjoy This, Guys!

Here Comes Some Junk Mail!!!!

I'm Warning You... XXX

* * * Very Important Mail * * * Everyone Read!

Sorry If You've Seen This, But It Deserves Attention

Yo Momma


Country Music...

I Wish I Had Known

Cheer Up...Some Humor For You

Rum Cake



Phone Messages

Confuse Your Professor

Thoughts To Live By

Chelsea Clinton Is A Riot Grrrrl!!!

100 Truths Or Somethin'

Oh, That's Gotta Hurt!!

High School Vs. College


101 Ways To Say No


Big Bird


College Life

Thought You'd Like This One

More Funny

Taco Bell Story

Application For Sex XXX

Thought You Might Get A Kick Out Of This...

"Friends: The Realistic Edition"

Dr. Suess and OJ

My Lessons For The Day

Heh Heh Heh

Read This :)

True Answers Of The Clueless

A Little X-Mas Cheer!

Two Interesting Stories.....With A Twist

"The Gift"

Beer Is Better Than Women Because...

What Am I?

Is There A Santa Claus?





Universal Grade Change Form

Love Game


Church Bloopers

A Valentine's Day Forwarding

Just A Joke!!

(blank 2)

(blank 3)

Car/Computer Humor

This Is Powerful!

You Might Be A College Student

Funny Penis Stuff ...

Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey

You Don't Know Jack Schitt


The Magical Citrus Fruit


4 U

Just In Time For Valentine's Day!

Eel Story

Our Generation

Country Songs

In The Beginning...


Another Funny Forward...

Saved By The Bell XXX

No Subject

The Test

Be A Kid Again...

You Know You've Been In College Too Long When...

Some Tasteless Poetry

Joke-Rated: Golf


Joke-Clean: Offensive To Lawyers

Thought Of You, Bill...

New Elements


I Pay $1 For You To Eat Cereal

36 Nuts

You've Heard About The V-Chip...

In Case You Haven't Been To Church Lately!

Remember When...

Drinking And Driving


Travel Humor...

When We're Professors...

A Minnesota Diary

Today Is Spring!

The Facts Of Life...

30-Minute Wishes


L.A. Driver


Bumper Stickers

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Last Modified: 2-28-01