Class of 2000

Wendy Tebb

The Graduates

Bonnie Allen
Ginette Benoit
Michele Bossaer
Chad Boudreau
Karen Brownlee
Pat Cabel
David Freeman
Kerri Hamel
Kristen Higgins
Jennifer Leask
Jill MacPherson
Lisa Marcinowski
Jeff Maser
Heather Polischuk
Kevin Pratt
Heather Prystay
Kim Smith
Marina Solovieva
Darren Steinke
Marcus Syrotiuk
Stephen Tipper
Renee Tratch
Lisa Unrau
Regan Wallin
Ken Wiebe

The Profs

Jill Spelliscy
Larry Todd
Jim McKenzie
Roy Bonisteel
Patricia Bell
Wendy Tebb
Lindsay Crysler
Renee Pellerin



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Current Location

Regina, Saskatchewan

Posted on December 1, 2002 by Wendy Tebb

I actually got to meet Elvis last week!!! (Those of you who don't know me very well are probably saying, "Elvis, isn't he dead?" But, those of you who know me pretty well, will know exactly who I am talking about!) Those of you who know "what a skating groupie I am", and "what an Elvis fan I am", will know what a thrill that was for me! Elvis was absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is such a nice guy -- very personable!

On Wednesday, November 20th, I watched the practice session in the afternoon; then I watched the "SK8 with Elvis and Special Guests" performance that evening; and finally, I attended a meet and greet session with Elvis (and a few of the other skaters) after the show. My friends and I got autographs and had pictures taken. And, I even got to touch him! All in all, it was a pretty incredible day! Did I mention I LOVE ELVIS?!!

Anyway, "SK8 with Elvis" was absolutely, without a doubt, the best skating show I have ever seen!! (And, I have seen a lot of skating shows!). It was very different from other shows I have attended .... very creative, very energetic, cool dance music, a live DJ, a group of very entertaining and talented skaters.... and, did I mention ... Elvis himself was amazing?!! No, really, I'm not at all biased! He skates so fast, with such energy and enthusiasm. He completed great jumps and incredible spins. He did some very interesting slides and hydro-blading; he skated down a ramp from the DJ booth that was 8-feet above ice-level. He completed 10 or 12 arabians in a row (Arabians are my favourite skating maneuver to watch; and IMHO, Elvis does this move better than anyone else). His numbers were sooooo entertaining to watch! The audience loved him. He seemed to be having a great time and seemed to be really enjoying himself. At the end of the show, he said, "see ya next year!" -- which makes me very happy -- it gives me something to look forward to in the new year!

See the pics

Anyway, other than that, life is okay. Work is busy. Not much is new.

How are all of you doing? No one has posted anything to the web page in ages. What are you all up to? Where are you? What are you doing? Let's see some posts!

Chad, where are your wedding pics? I keep hoping to see some on the web page.

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Posted on February 12, 2001 by Wendy Tebb

Apparently, the Sask. gov't announced a Graduate Tax Credit program last year. I'm not sure on the details, but I thought I'd let you guys know about it anyway.

Apparently people graduating from an "eligible" post-secondary program beginning in 2000 may be entitled to a $350.00 Grad. Tax Credit. (Yes, the BAJC and the BJ are both "eligible" programs). I thought this would be of interest to you and your classmates.

As I understand it, the UofR has been asked to forward names and addresses of graduates from the year 2000 to SaskEd. SaskEd. will be handling distribution of the GTC forms (which are supposed to be mailed to students at the end of February).

My advise to the Class of 2000 is this:
a) Find out whether or not the UofR had your correct current mailing address to forward to SaskEd.
b) If the UofR had your correct address. Just wait for the form to arrive and get prepared to collect your money.
c) If the UofR did not have your correct mailing address, and therefore provided the wrong address to SaskEd., then you will want to contact SaskEd. directly to find out about how to get your GTC form.
d) Be aware that it is important to always keep your address up-to-date at the UofR -- you never know what you might be missing out on if you don't.
e) Be thankful you have someone like me to keep you informed.
f) I think some of you might owe me "another" drink.

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Posted on November 6, 2000 by Wendy Tebb

I was in Winnipeg over the weekend -- to attend an Academic Advisors conference on Friday. I had planned to meet Ken and Mauri for lunch on Saturday but that almost didn't happen (Ken forgot about me and would have stood me up, however, luckily, Mauri has a better memory than Ken does!!)

So, anyway, I had lunch with Ken and Mauri (and as I promised, am now sending you an update for the web page). Ken's enjoying working (if you can actually call sports reporting work) at the Winnipeg Sun. He's had a few opportunities to travel and more of those opportunities coming up, and, of course, he is loving the opportunity to cover hockey! Mauri drove to Winnipeg on Thursday, in god awful weather and likely drove home yesterday in weather that was just as bad if not worse. (I'm not sure if I'd call that love, dedication, stamina, or just plain crazy! Anyway, I hope she made it home safely yesterday.)

I enjoyed the conference and was really glad to be flying rather than driving after hearing of Mauri's driving ordeal. It was good to see Ken and Mauri and I did tell Ken that he was listed on your missing in action list and that he should send a posting.

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Posted on May 19, 2000 by Wendy Tebb

I have accepted a promotion and am now working in a permanent position as an Academic Program Advisor in the Faculty of Arts Records Office on the 4th floor of the Classroom Building. I am very happy in my new job (although I do miss the J-Students & Staff very much).

I invite people to come by for a visit if they are around the classroom building -- come see my new office with the big windows (I even have a window that opens -- pretty rare on this campus!)

I am interested in keeping up on all the gossip, so I will check the web site regularily. And, those of you that are still in Regina ... don't forget about me ... invite me for a drink once in a while!

I will be at the Convocation Ceremony on May 26th and look forward to seeing any of you who are coming to the ceremony to receive your degrees. I will be downstairs at the Centre of the Arts in the room where the graduates assemble (making sure you get the right degree and know how to fold your hoods, etc.) and I usually stay to watch the ceremony.

I am also planning to attend the J-School Open House and the Alumni Convocation Brunch on May 27th ... so, I might see some of you at those events.

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