Class of 2000

Kristen Higgins

The Graduates

Bonnie Allen
Ginette Benoit
Michele Bossaer
Chad Boudreau
Karen Brownlee
Pat Cabel
David Freeman
Kerri Hamel
Kristen Higgins
Jennifer Leask
Jill MacPherson
Lisa Marcinowski
Jeff Maser
Heather Polischuk
Kevin Pratt
Heather Prystay
Kim Smith
Marina Solovieva
Darren Steinke
Marcus Syrotiuk
Stephen Tipper
Renee Tratch
Lisa Unrau
Regan Wallin
Ken Wiebe

The Profs

Jill Spelliscy
Larry Todd
Jim McKenzie
Roy Bonisteel
Patricia Bell
Wendy Tebb
Lindsay Crysler
Renee Pellerin



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Current Location

New address: 217 Fulton Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1Y4 (416) 469-4407 Email:

Posted on May 8, 2002 by Kristen Higgins

Hi Everyone!

First off, I have moved yet again. This will be my fourth address in Toronto in two years. As I tell everyone, if you like to keep an updated address book, mark me in pencil!

New address: 217 Fulton Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1Y4 (416) 469-4407

I still have the same roommate but we left the condo we were in and moved into the top two floors of a house out on the Danforth. I'm loving it!

Other big news, I've given notice that I'm leaving TVOnatrio the end of June. I just can't do this job anymore - there is no room to advance and I'm just not challenged anymore. I cannot wait to be done! As for the next plan - that I haven't figured out yet. Maybe I'll stay in tv, maybe I'll get out.

I have booked a flight back west for the month of July and an thinking of maybe doing some travelling in the fall. We'll have to see what happens. For the next year anyway, I'm going to stay in Toronto. There really is more opportunities for the kind of journalism I want to do here and for the most part, I'm still enjoying the city. I just wish a few more visitors would pass through town.

I'm keeping busy with beach volleyball and I even joined a running clinic. This past winter I took an Italian language class with the hopes of using some of it in an upcoming trip.

I think that's about it from me. Congratulations to Karen on the baby! If you get the chance Karen you should scan a picture to post! Michele and Louis - any chance your summer Eastern Coast trip brings you through Toronto? Free place to stay if I'm here! That goes for anyone else who may be coming to the city.

Take care everyone!

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Posted on November 20, 2001 by Kristen Higgins

Hello Everyone!

Those of you who like to keep an up to date address book will want to note that I've moved. Same roommate, new place, just one street south of where I used to live.

Here's the new address:
#831 - 139 Merton St.
Toronto, ON
M4S 3G7
(416) 485-4634

As for my news, I don't have anything very big to announce - I'm not getting married, I don't have a new job, I haven't bought anything of real value, etc... I'm only offering a simple update.

I'm still at TVOntario - some days are better than others. Honestly I've been really struggling lately - not only with the work I'm doing but with the whole career. I'm not happy with my job and don't really know what I'd be happy doing. I certainly know what I don't want to do but it is finding what I'm good at and enjoy that it the hard part. I want to feel a real passion for it like Bonnie, Ken, and Michele do but I don't. Does anyone else out there feel this way? Am I the only one? I'd love to hear from others who may have gone through a similar career crisis - how'd you get out of it? Those who love it - why?

I've booked a flight home for the holidays - not an Cattle 3000, thankfully - but on Tango. We'll see how it goes. Flights are just getting so expensive in this country and I'm afraid with the absence of a real alternative, things will just get worse. Anway, I've got 2 weeks back west and while I will be doing a fair bit of driving around, I doubt I'll get beyond Calgary and Eastend. So those of you who will be in either place (I know you're all dying to spend the holidays in SW SK), let me know.

I should get going and start my work day. I'm so happy it's Friday! I hope everyone is happy and healthy. How are you feeling Karen? I have a book reccommendation for you - Naomi Wolf's "Misconception" - check it out for an alternative view to "What to expect when you're expecting." And no this doesn't mean that I'm pregnant!

Take care,


PS - Renee - where are you now?

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Posted on July 12, 2001 by Kristen Higgins

Just wanted to give a quick update on my life. I left the CBC on June 22 after my contract expired. I had known for quite some time it was coming so was busy looking for other work. I was offered my new job the last day of my old one. Not bad for timing. I'll be working for TV Ontario starting Aug 13.

It is an interview show similar to Mansbridge One on One but the host is Alan Gregg (you might have seen him on the National during all the election coverage). I'll be researching and producing the interviews. I'm looking forward to the change. The CBC is great but the politics were starting to get to me.

So I've been off on vacation for 3 weeks here in Toronto and I'll be back west for 3 weeks starting on July 17th. I'm hoping to make a trip to Regina sometime so I'll be contacting you Regina folks to see who might be up for a bit of a reunion gathering. Any takers? Email me!

Email is limited now. This is coming to you from the library. I'll write more later. Hope to see some of you soon!

Take care!

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Posted on March 16, 2001 by Kristen Higgins

Well things have been up and down here in the big city. The good news is my contract has been extended so I am now employed until the end of the summer. I was stressed out there for a while not knowing what was going on. The thought of having to hunt for a job was making me quite tense. So Newsworld Business News is where I'll stay for the next little while. Who would have ever thought I'd do business! I've learned a lot and can now hold a somewhat intelligent conversation about the latest tech meltdown. Course I also find it very sad that I get all excited about what a funny looking economist in Washington has to say.

But work is really feeling like work and I don't think that is necessarily a good thing. I am very busy working as an associate producer on the weekend business show. I'm not complaining about being busy, I'm just staring to tire. I'm also starting to think about the long term. Has anyone else been asked the question "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I got that one last week from my boss and the only answer I had for her was "Not in Toronto."

Now you may be thinking that I've had it with this city but that actually isn't the case. I'm really enjoying Toronto. I just miss sunsets and space. I will be getting a change of scenery the first week in April when I take a trip to Washington and Virginia. I've got friends down there so I though I'd take them up on the offer of a free room and see the sights (Gotta love W - sweet of him to offer the Lincoln bedroom for me). I haven't been so if anyone has suggestions of musts let me know.

Other notes to pass along, Ive seen all the Oscar best pics and think Gladiator will win - true Crouching Tiger was amazing but realistically they won't give the nod to a foreign movie. I'm also betting on Julia Roberts, Steven Soderberg and Tom Hanks.

So now that my name is off the MIA list, how about some of the others? Anybody have news on how Bonnie is doing in Timmins? Marina - is she still here? Is Jill still at CBC in Regina? And how are the wedding plans going Kim and Karen? Has Michele taken over ITV in Edmonton and now hosting the supper hour?

I did have the chance to catch up with Dave Freeman in February when he was in for a conference. Have you gone to NY yet Dave? I want to hear how that goes!

Take care everyone.

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Posted on December 4, 2000 by Kristen Higgins

Hey everyone! Hope the holiday spirit is starting to catch on. I know that the next 3 weeks won't pass quickly enough for me.

My weekend was quite enjoyable. I had the chance to catch up with Roy at the Vanier Cup. I was there taking pictures of the alumni fans and he had been sent a ticket by the UR Prez. It turned out that our seats were next to eachother. He is doing well. On a bit of a holiday now until the gov't reappoints him to do his citizenship thing after the holidays.

He mentioned being out in Vancouver and having lunch with Jen. Jen - Roy tells me you've got a new plan up your sleeve. What's going on? It involves a move to Montreal? Anyway, it was greta to see him and catch up.

The down side of the day was the game. The Rams just weren't really there for the first 3 quarters and by the time they rallied, it was too late. I'm sure there are fans out there who would have a better description of the game highlights.

Not much else is new with me. Election night I wasn't out covering anything but I was working at the election consortium. CBC, CTV, CP, and other news organizations pool money together to share the costs of gathering data from each riding. My job - chase supervisor. I took chase requests from the various media outlets and passed them on the my team of chasers. They chased down the info and I passed it back. IT was quite exciting to be part of the election that way. I've always wondered how the media outlets get their info and now I know. It was a long night though - 5:30 pm to 3:00am and the back to the usual job the next day, but I was paid well.

I don't know if any of you will be in Calgary over the holidays but if you are, let me know. Maybe we can work out coffee time or something. I suggest Calgary because I know none of you will be making a trip down to Eastend.

Must get to work. I'm working for Newsworld Business News this week. A nice break from Venture!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Happy Holidays!!!

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Posted on November 14, 2000 by Kristen Higgins

Bored? Looking for something to do on a slow afternoon? Take these tests!

The first one is a personality test. Find it at The questions rage from the obvious to quite bizarre. According to the test I am a nice person who likes to help children on the Internet. Let me know how you turn out!

The other test is a PM picker. Answer a variety of questions based on economic and social issues and then the program picks which PM candidate you most agree with. I side with Joe Clark the most, followed by Alexa (me vote NDP - not likely but my social views brought her into the picture) and thankfully Mr. Day was dead last by a long shot.

As you can see, I'm not too busy right now. Bored actually. Can't wait for my return to the prairies at Christmas.

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Posted on October 13, 2000 by Kristen Higgins

Well I have some sad news to tell you all. I am now an Ontario resident. Yesterday I went and signed up for Ontario health care. Next it will be my drivers license. But all is not lost - I still have my Saskatchewan spirit! I will continue to defend our humble province and remind all central-thinkers that it is Saskatchewan grain that keeps them regular.

On a brighter note, I made my first trip to Montreal over the Thanksgiving weekend. It was a fabulous trip - crisp weather but beautiful fall colours, interesting buildings and amazing food. I even picked up a French phrase or two. Renee and Ginette would be so proud! I actually didn't have to do very much speaking at all - my friend who travelled with me is fluent and wanted to speak French as much as possible. I thought we might see more Trudeau memorial posters, flowers, signs, etc...but no.

Work is work. I'm taking things week by week - one week I love it; the next week I think I should have gone into education.

Hope everyone is doing well. Does anyone have any news from Marina?

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Posted on August 18, 2000 by Kristen Higgins
I moved last week and the new apartment is much nicer than my last place. I have a new futon couch which means room for company should any of you make it this far east. My new roommate is great. I met her through a friend's friend. Both of us would rather live on our own but we jsut can't afford it. Finding the place was hell - housing in Toronto is awful! There are few vacancies and the prices are so over the top. For what I pay (my share of our 2 bedroom) I could rent an amazing place in Regina or Saskatoon or a fairly decent place in Calgary. Oh well, this is the big city and I guess I'll just have to put up with it for a while.

I spent 10 glorious days breathing clean air and seeing the stars at home in Eastend the end of July. Being back in Saskatchewan was just what I needed. This city can get to you - all the people, smog, the hustle of it all. Don't get me wrong - I do like it but every once in a while you need a break. It was wonderful to have a short holiday before the new job at Venture started.

On that note - I have just finished week 2 at Venture and so far so good. Our season begins on October 3 so mark your calendars! As with all things at CBC, we are changing and joining up with our "cousins" at Newsworld Business News. It will be interesting to see what the mothership does in the next little while as they try out the new supper hour format and the reduced bodies in the regions. I am just thankful that I am a bottom feeder - no chance of getting bumped while my pay is low.

Other than work and my move, not too much is new. I haven't been doing the tourist stuff lately - I must get to the ROM and to the Hockey Hall of Fame soon. I think what would really help me out is if people came to visit and I had to play tour guide - hint hint!!!

For Marcus, Kevin, and Stephen - I haven't been on a date with myself in a while. I think I may have to arrange one soon. I still don't know why this bothered you guys so much.

Note to Heather - call me when you come to town again!

Must run for now. I hope everyone is doing well and surviving the real world. Weird to think we won't be back at school in a few weeks. Does anyone else find this a bit strange?

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Posted on June 23, 2000 by Kristen Higgins

I have a job!!!!!!!

OK people - I expect everyone to tune in to CBC this fall on Tuesday evenings to see my name roll across the credits on VENTURE!!!!

I got a research position with the program. My contract runs from August 8th to the end of March and if they like me, maybe they'll keep me on for the next season. I was totally taken aback when the producer called today - I actually asked her if she was serious and told her how I thought the interview yesterday was terrible. Yeah way to be smooth.

I'll be facing a very steep learning curve as I take on business news. I am going to spend July working up in Newsworld Business so I can gain some experience in the area.

Anyway, the job involves working with the producers and reporters to pitch ideas, research stories for the producers and reporters, and monitor all that is business news. The pay is fine for Regina or Saskatoon but for Toronto, I might be living off soup and rice! I'm not too concerned - after all it is a job with a main net program and it is doing work that I am good at.

That is my big news. I'm still enjoying Toronto - went to my first baseball game a few weeks ago (Toronto v. Montreal - Toronto lost very badly), saw a performance of Rent - fabulous! Next week it is the symphony. I have also seen the Harris government health care system from the inside as a friend I was rollerblading with took a nasty fall and broke her leg. It was broken so badly she needed surgery. I'm sure I'll be a bit nervous the next time I decide to go blading. The weather hasn't been that great and I'm readjusting to a humid climate. All in all, I'm doing well.

Amanda Putz is also working at the CBC! She started in visual resources and now has moved to being a production assistant (I think that is what her title is). She is very happy and glad to still be here in Toronto.

That is all for now. I haven't heard from Heather since she arrived out here - Heather give me a call! And Bonnie - congratulations on Timmins! I will be back in Regina the end of July for a wedding so maybe those who are still in Regina would want to get together for a drink or two.

Take care everyone!!!!

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Posted on May 18, 2000 by Kristen Higgins

After nearly 3 weeks without a telephone line, I finally have a number! If you find yourselves in Toronto or you just want to give me a call to let me know how much you miss me, call (416) 536-4011.

After that news, my Wendy Melsely and Anna Maria Tremonti sighting just seem dull.

I've seen Stephen's piece in the NP- congrats!

I could also use some help from you folks who had to do the big crime assignment for Renee's class. If you talked to a great criminologist or someon ewho really knew what they were talking about, let me know. I'm working on some research for a possible series on crime focusing on specific regions. I would really appreciate any help from you guys! Just e-mail the info to me.

Must run. Hope all is well with everyone!

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Posted on May 5, 2000 by Kristen Higgins

The city (Toronto) is great. I live above a hardware store with two other girls. They have been filming in the hardware store for the past three days. Unfortunately it is only a commercial and not a big Hollywood movie. Maybe later in the summer I'll see a few crews on the streets.

I'm still a bit "star struck" in the newsroom. It is also interesting to see how all the regions are coordinated from here. Work is fine. I'm on Foreign Assignment and loving it! I get to research foreign destinations and events, look at tape and find visuals of all these amazing places, and watch a highly skilled editor put it all together. Chad- you would really find what he does with Avid incredible!

Life is good- no complaints outta me! Hope everyone is fine and genki! Let me know what you are up to!

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