Filipinos in VA! As far as my first hand knowledge about Filipinos in VA the majority of the Filipinos who came to Virginia can by way of the United States Armed Forces during the Post 1965 era. My Dad Mr. Ignacio Soriano Budoy came to Norfolk, VA by way of the US Navy in 1955. In order to support his family back in the Philippines he joined the US Navy at Sangly Point in the Philippines because the US annexed the Philippines during World War II . During his generation I believe it is was a great honor to be in the armed forces with all the wars going on, you would really have to be. Either way I appreciate what my Father has done for himself and his family. He went through a lot of descrimination during his 20 years in the Us NAVY. He was one of the first Fiiipinos from Imus, Cavite, Philippines to get into the US Navy and pave the way for future generations of Filipino and South East Asian Service Men to be respected and given the chance to be an Anerican. Although,..Aucha and I live in Columbia, MD which is basically the halfway town between Balitmore, MD and Washington, DC I still and will always consider Norfolk/Virginia Beach to be my home. And I will always be proud to say I am originally from Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Virginia.