Marlow Budoy

  • Born on 08/19/1994- Marlow Budoy was adopted from Portsmouth, Va. And was trained and raised by his daddy Ricky Budoy. He is a pure American Pit Bull Terrier son of a Grand Champion Boomerang Fighting Dog, from the originating Boomerang Bloodline of Virginia.

We derived Marlow's name from the Actor Marlin Brandow from the GodFather.  Marlow currently kicks back with my Parent in VA Beach.  He protects the home I guess…  He loves adobo and rice.  And understands fluent Vasaya and Tagalog.  Say Hi to Marlow.  All his fans can email him at

FAMILY 2001--VA BEACH | Aucha's Civic
BadBoyBudoy Tuned | Marlow Budoy | FAMILY REUNION Y2K1 | Filipinos VA | Links

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