Tuesday, December 26, 2000

just showing off some plants i live with:

for christmas brad got me this Alocasia Polly:

and with the gift certificate i got this cyclamen today:

this monstera was a real find for me.....i bought it on a lunch break:

and here is one of the three poinsettas i bought this christmas. i really wish the detail was better. i hope i can keep it alive.:

posted by April Fraze 12/26/2000 04:39:43 PM| link

Thursday, December 21, 2000

looking for an almond joy bar recipe (this one is different from the one i lost) that i lost somewhere in the house tonight....found this neat candy bar wrapper collection. does anyone remember the last time they had a charleston? i split one with jason rothrock....we must have been around 5...maybe 4. our mom'r took us with them shopping. we road in the backseat eating it after going into butt drugs in corydon, in. i seem to recall jason's sister, randy, teaching us the altered lyrics to the popeye theme, "i'm popeye the sailor man. i live in a garbage can....." i'm sure everyone knows the rest. if not.....don't worry. it's pretty stupid.
posted by April Fraze 12/21/2000 08:36:53 PM| link

i used to be a huge dr. katz fan when i could find it on comedy central. needless to say i was thrilled to see him as a guest last night on politically incorrect. unfortunately it was another one of those nights where the guests with nothing intelligent to say refuse to let anyone else speak for fear that their ignorance will be detected. bring him back, bill.....please!

hanukah begins today at dusk. shalom. and best wishes!

in college i took an intro to poetry course for a humanities requirement. i have always been a poetry freak, but for the first time i was allowed to venture deep inside myself to find personal interpretation without a teacher saying "WRONG, try again." i think i was the only student in class that enjoyed t.s. eliot. the waste land truly is a work of art. "tell her i bring the horoscope myself: one must be so careful these days."

when you live backed up against the foothills it gets dark about 4:30pm...i'm so glad the days are getting longer now....lovely are thee, winter solstice. welcome back, sun!
posted by April Fraze 12/21/2000 11:58:38 AM| link

Wednesday, December 20, 2000

i used to work with annie who carried a white buffalo fetish...and who first introduced me to the story of the white buffalo. i hope she comes back real soon.

today billy bragg turns 46. at least i think that's what i heard....i'm quite partial to mermaid avenue with wilco.

when i come home on my lunch break i always tune in to judge wapner's animal court. and i would be remiss if i didn't give a shout out for jeff irwin. that man has a heart of gold. i think he shines.

i'm quite enjoying my tommyknocker almond creme. mmm...st. john's wort...they should have called it mellow yellow.....
posted by April Fraze 12/20/2000 11:31:52 PM| link

this just in from the better late than never department:

happy anniversary, rick and mary! and here's to four more!

get well soon, john! have a wonderful time back east!
posted by April Fraze 12/20/2000 10:03:45 PM| link

Friday, December 15, 2000

song suggestion: wild and blue as perfornmed by the great john anderson
posted by April Fraze 12/15/2000 11:10:41 PM| link

in a nutshell:
name: april fraze
home: ft. collins, co
date of birth: 4/5/1974
favorite color: blue
favorite flower: sunflower
contact me

pet peeves:
commercials w/a whispering narrator

kyra, siberian husky
casey, kitty
eli, spawn of satan

my copy of deadbase X
my army sweatshirt jacket
dr. pepper

currently reading:

newsgroups i frequent:

latest cd purchases:
water to drink
rock spectacle
mother mccree's uptown jug champions

magazine subscriptions:
mother earth news

places i learn:

the other pages:
dear world...
the scrapbook
the soundtrack
poems and prayers and promises

places i go:
[acid blog]
an entirely other day
terrapin gardens
i really must insist you leave
for all hippies
sleeva, freak and geek

it's all about the music:
the grateful dead
leftover salmon
david "dawg" grisman
the greyboy all-stars
medeski, martin, and wood
bruce hornsby
merl saunders
bob marley
willie nelson
johnny cash
the deadlists project
the jerry site
festival links
tape traders' resources

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