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Grateful Dead

3/25/66 & 7/3/66Trouper's Club & Fillmore Auditorium(incomplete) - same tape
7/16/66 & 7/17/66Fillmore Auditoriumsame tape
11/19/66Fillmore WestI
12/1/66 The MatrixTape I
3/18/67WinterlandSETS I & II
8/4-5/67 O'Keefe CenterParts
2/2/68 & 2/3/68Crystal BallroomSET I, Both shows, Same Tape
8/21/68Fillmore WestSETS I & II
8/22/68Fillmore WestSETS I & II
9/2/68Betty Nelson's Organic Raspberry FarmMissing DDHNM
10/13/68Avalon BallroomSETS I & II
2/22/69Vallejo, CAIncomplete
2/27/69 Fillmore WestSETS I & II
2/28/69 Fillmore WestSETS I & II
4/21/69The ArkSETS I & II
4/22/69The ArkSETS I & II
4/23/69 The ArkSET II
5/24/69 Seminole Indian VillageALL
6/7/69Fillmore WestALL
6/14/69Monterey Peninsula CollegeComplete
6/27/69Veterans' AuditoriumALL
11/8/69Fillmore WestDark Star through We Bid You Goodnight only
7/11/69 NY State PavilionPartial
2/14/70 Fillmore East Early Show
5/2/70Harpur CollegeSETS I (NRPS), II & III
5/15/70Fillmore EastSETS I & II
6/5/70Fillmore West6/5 SET I, 7/30/70 ALL (Same)
9/19/70Fillmore EastSET II(Dark Star through Lovelight only)
9/20/70Fillmore EastSETS I & II
10/31/70Gym, S.U.N.YEarly Show
2/18/71Capitol TheaterSETS I & II

Capitol Theater SET I
4/5/71 Manhatten CenterSETS I & II
4/17/71 PrincetonSETS I & II
4/27/71 Fillmore EastSET I CD-R
4/29/71 Fillmore EastSETS I & II
12/14/71 Ann ArborSET II
5/7/72Bickershaw FestivalSET II (...Other One through One More Saturday Night)
5/11/72 RotterdamSET ...II
8/27/72Old Renaissance FairgroundsSETS I & II
9/24/72 The Palace Theater SET II
10/30/72 Ford Auditorium SETS I & II
2/9/73Stanford UniversitySET II
5/26/73Kezar Stadium SET III
6/22/73Vancouver, BC SETS I & II
9/26/73 RochesterSETS I & II
11/10/73Winterland SET II
11/11/73Winterland SETS I & II
11/14/73 San Diego Sports ArenaSET I
11/17/73Pauley PavilionSET II (Playin through Sugar Mags only)
11/21/73Denver ColiseumSETS I & II
11/25/73Feyline FieldSETS II (missing Around)
12/6/73 Cleveland Convention Center Parts
12/12/73The OmniSETS I & II
12/18/73Curtis Hixon Convention HallSETS I & II
2/24/74WinterlandSETS I & II
6/18/74Freedom HallSET II
6/20/74The OmniSET II
9/11/74Alexandra PalaceSET II
10/20/74WinterlandSETS I, II & III
6/29/76Chicago Auditorium TheaterSET I
9/25/76Cap CenterSET II
9/27/76 War MemorialSET II
10/9/76OaklandSET II
2/26/77Swing AuditoriumSET I
2/27/77Robertson GymSETS I & II
3/18/77WinterlandSET II
5/4/77PaladiumSETS I & II
5/7/77Boston GardensSETS I & II
5/8/77Barton HallSETS I & II
5/9/77Buffalo War MemorialSET I
5/21/77 Lakeland Civic CenterSETS I & II
6/7/77WinterlandSET II
9/3/77Raceway ParkSETS I & II
10/11/77Lloyd Noble CenterSETS I & II
10/29/77Evans Field HouseSETS I & II
4/16/78Huntington Civic CenterSETS I & II
4/11/78Fox TheatreSET II
4/14/78Cassell ColiseumSETS I & II
4/15/78William & Mary CollegeSETS I & II
7/7/78Red RocksSETS I & II
7/8/78Red RocksSETS I & II
10/18/78WinterlandSETS I & II
10/20/78WinterlandSET II
10/27/79Cape Cod ColiseumSETS I & II
11/1/79Nassau ColiseumSETS I & II
11/9/79Buffalo AuditoriumSETS I & II
1/13/80Oakland ColiseumSET I
9/26&27/80Warfield TheaterSet I(both shows) Same tape
10/2/80Warfield TheaterSET I
10/4&6/80Warfield Theater Set I(both shows)Same tape
10/6/81Rainbow TheaterSETS I & II
4/17/82HartfordSET II
8/3/82StarlightSETS I & II
8/10/82Field HouseSETS I & II
8/28/82Oregon County FairSET I
10/9/82Frost AmphitheaterSETS I & II
9/14/82U. of VirginiaSET II
9/10/83Downs of Santa FeSETS I & II
9/13/83AustinSET II
4/17/84NiagraSET II
3/29/85Nassau ColiseumSETS I & II
6/28/85Hershey ParkSETS I & II
7/1/85 Merriweather Post Pavilion SETS I & II
7/13/85VenturaSET II
9/15/85Chula VistaSET II
11/1/85Richmond ColiseumSET II
4/3/86HartfordSET II
9/18/87Madison Square Garden SET II
12/31/87OaklandSETS I & II
8/10/82Field HouseSETS I, II & III
4/13/89Rosemount HorizonSET II
5/7/89Frost AmphitheatreSETS I & II
10/8/89Hampton ColiseumSETS I & II
3/26/90Knickerbocker ArenaSET II
6/16/90ShorelineSET II
7/12/90RFK StadiumSET II
12/12/90McNichols Sports ArenaSETS I & II
6/25/91Bonner SpringsSETS I & II
9/10/91Madison Square GardenSETS I & II
10/31/91OaklandSETS I & II (SET II, currently MIA)
6/21/93Deer CreekSET I
8/21/93 Autzen StadiumSETS I & II
7/19/94Deer CreekSET I
3/29/95The OmniSET II
7/9/95 Soldier's FieldSETS I & II


10/30/68Mickey & the HartbeatsThe Matrix?
11/4/73Old & In the WaySonoma State Universitywith Ramblin' Jack Elliot on some lead vocals
5/5/82Garcia & KahnOregon State Prisoncomplete
10/16/85Garcia & KahnCatalyst Clubearly and late shows
1/13/94Garcia & GrismanWarfieldSETS I & II
Spring 95Garciaat homePizza Boy Tape
7/6/96LOSHigh Sierrawith Sam Bush and John Cowan
8/9/96LOSRoam Fest - Boulderearly scoustic/evening electric
3/14/98Greyboy AllstarsFox Theater Boulder, CO(it's very possible that this show has both the wrong date and venue)
3/18/78JGBWarfield Theater Late Show
6/16/82JGBMusic MountainSet I
8/29/87JGBFrench's CampSET II, first 3 songs of SET III, CD-R
8/30/87JGBGreek TheaterSET I
11/9/91JGBHampton Coliseum SETS I & II
10/31/92JGBOakland Coliseum SET II
11/12/93JGBMadison Square Gardens SET I
4/27/94JGBWarfield Theater SETS I & II
9/23/80Bob Marley & the Wailers Stanley Theater (Bob's last show)
10/30/99Phil & Friends (Phil's set) Milwaulkee Auditorium missing Days Between and CR&S
10/30/99Phil & Friends (Dylan's set) Milwaulkee Auditorium missing Times R Changin', HWY 61, and NFA, Blowin' cuts
10/26/98Bob DylanMarket Square Arenacomplete

Send e-mail to: April.


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