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#beaconhouse on (UnderNet) IRC
The late summer of 1996, me along with a couple of other people (nothing, sand, heat, TheDevil, Ali1, etc) created the #beaconhouse on Undernet... and I am proud to say that it is now the official (thanks to TheDevil) Beacon House chat channel on the net, and also quite a few beaconites come there these days! (if you're a beaconite or were a beaconite feel free to join the hopeless time pass).
To access #beaconhouse on UNDERNET, you need a program called MIRC. If you don't already have the program, do download it from http://www.mirc.co.uk . After doing that, install the program to access any UNDERNET server throughout the world. Once you are connected, join #beaconhouse (type: /join #beaconhouse on status window). And WHOLLA! you're connected!
Loads of cool people come on #beaconhouse, some of regulars include:
TheDevil (KewlOne) (Zamin Zehdi) - Calls himself the devil but in my opinion... he should have his nick changed to the SCHMUCK. Just kidding... a cool guy in grade 11.
Lacelot (Mahir Shehzad) - Another junior from grade 11. He hot at insulting people... god! can someone tell him... he's the clown around. Nahi yaar mahir just kidding. A great guy!
Ali1 (Mohmmad Ali) - The coolest and best guy there is (grade 13 -- he he.. right Ali?) .... and I tell you nobody who knows him would disagree!! Hangs out at #roopa? for Tania right Ali????
nothing (Rizwan Ahmed) - my good buddy in A' Levels 2 nd year. Nice guy... sometimes acts a bit stuborn .. but otherwise and overall a great person.
sand (suri) (Shafqat Suri) - He is the second alien I know of (after Asif that is... hey if someone in Mars is reading this... kindly pick Asif up.. he has done enough research on Humans). Sand is the guy who talks like a sneaking mouse on the phone.. and I tell you... you don't want to give him a ring at his place! (right Heat? he he)
Heat (Zayd Choudri) - Our host of DOOM parties. The best guy around. This is just one person, who won't let me talk bad about him... cause really he an amazing guy!
RainDr0p (Maryam Haroon)- A female!!! A female!!! hehe
SlaDe (Ali Tariq) - I just have one word for this guy. SECURITY!!!!!
Cobra (Asad Halai)- Thats me!
Paki (Arshad Disco) - A guy from Washington College or something like that... did his A's one year before us....
Rexel (Faizan Siddiqi) - A another guy from 11. He writes to me every day, with his usual style (Dear Asad, I would like to bring to you're kind attention that my name has not been added to the UNDERNET listing yet..)... Well.. Faizan are you happy now...
ZainAly (Zain Aly) - Another dude from class 11. hmm.... one day before the ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXAM, he asks RainDr0p whether she has prepared for the exam or not. God help him....
lotia (Mikail Lotia) - hmm.... hmm... is on MIRC all the time.... ex beaconite, and a nice guy!
Vixxen (Nadia Hashmi) - A beautiful girl in her second years (A' Levels) now!
PlaceBo^^ (Zohreen) - she's nuts!
mGLORY (Najia Hasim) - she's cute!!!! :)
cheers` (Mobeen Shahid MEHLA) - He's MEHLA .. yeh the one and the only in BeaconHouse's history. Heheh.. he's in McGill now..
Moby (Faisal Hussain) - Sorry for not putting on your name for so long pal. Actually its hard to remember stuff on a moving planet. :)
CaSaNoVa` (Nauman Saleem Merchant) - Pretty eager to get his name on here. I have no clue what the big deal is though hehe. I know this guy is a nice guy THROUGH a bitter expereince.
sumaya (Aliya Sajjad) - Hmm.. someone i don't know well...
cheetah (Farhan Merchant) - Nauman's bro
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