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The Black Board: filled with gossip


The BPS Black Board! (All the current happenings, gossip and all the other useless stuff I can come up with! )

If you have heard anything really really sizzlying, or have some cool news to split out, just e-mail me at with the subject being "BPS BLACK BAORD". Catch ya later people.

Current Happenings!:

* Since loads of people from the Class of 1997 (A' Levels) are leaving for USA/Canada/England in between the first and the second week of August, we all have decided to meet for the last time in school on the 5th of August. The names of some of the people who will be leaving our:
Rizwan Ahmed
Ayesha Khan
Saad Haroon
Mobeen Choudri
Mobin Shahid
Yasir Kalwar
Osman Naeem
Nadir Naqvi
+ and many others... Okay.. now here's the plan.... everyone's gonna come to school on the 5th of August at around 11:00 PM .. 11:30 PM. Then we can grab a bite to eat some where.. and then its GHAR GHAR from then on.. DO spread the message to any (and every) A' Level class of 1997 guy/gal you meet.

* School's starting on the 4th of August, for those who are still in it (wahahah wahhaha). Anyway, people have really improved the building, they've cemented the ground (where volleyball used be played) and they've even raised the boundary walls, so there will be less people like Asif Jawed and Abu Bakr Asif (the great escape-rs) in the following batches.

* The Advanced Level results will come out some time around the 15th of August, will the Ordinary Level results will be published around a week after that. Advice: If you haven't done well in em, there is no need to show up to collect the result the day they are published. After two weeks, wrap your self around some black cloth, wear black boots, black gloves, and black shades, and try to get to Christine's office unnoticed, and then quietly collect your result, and run hopelessly to the car! :)

* All the people who come on at #beaconhouse (on UNDERNET) are invited to Copper Kettle on the 14th of July, 1997. For more info, come over to #beaconhouse (contact Ali1 or Cobra).

* The school office staff will be back in business on the 1st of July, so for all those who have'nt paid their dues yet, now is the time! (or you can kick your O/A' Level grades aside!)

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The Black Board: filled with gossip
