Over 100 years ago life in Glenann was very hard and the people were very poor. Many had to leave Glenann to find work. Even though life was very hard families still wanted their children to be educated and Fr. O'Neill tried to set up a school as long ago as 1838. It didn't last long, and it wasn't until 1875 that a school in Knockban in the townland of Tavnadrissay was opened. On the first day 42 boys and girls attended, 25 of those had never been to school before.
Five years later the school moved to the end of Glenann Road so that it was easier for the boys and girls to get to. Don't forget that there were very few proper roads in those days and a lot of the children probably had to go to school in their bare feet over fields and ditches.
On the 2nd November 1899 our present school was opened and everyone was very excited. All the boys and girls raced to the gate to see who could be there first. John McNaughton won and there was a guard of honour to escort Mr. McNamee into his classroom.
During the Summer holidays of 1999 Glenann P.S. underwent a major face change with the building of a new classroom, staff room and office, and the renovation of the original building.
On Tuesday 2nd November 1999, Glenann P.S. was operating on its present site for 100 years. We celebrated the Centenary by staging a number of special events. As a happy co-incidence the renovations at Glenann during the Summer of 1999 gave us the opportunity of burying a time capsule on 1st. July 1999. On 31st. July 1999 the legendary Phil Coulter performed a special concert for Glenann P.S. in St. MacNissi's College, Garron Tower.It was a memorable event.In the Autumn term of 1999 the children researched the history of the school and produced a video.In November 1999 we planted a Marie Curie Field of Hope as Marie Curie Cancer Care marked its 50th. year. "The School in the Fuchsia." was written by Joe Burns to commemorate the centenary. Copies remain available priced £7.
In 2006 we continued with the All Set programme established within the school. Tuesday 14th, 2006 All Set Performance Cushendall Golf Club.
We are now including past Diary Dates on our web page. If you need to look up the date of a memorable event we hope this will help!