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Our school raises money for charities throughout the year through our coin collection.

Total raised for charities this school year £1,666
Current Appeal- £216, Marie Curie Cancer Care,

November 2007, £250, Cushendall RNLI

December 2007, £490, Fr Tony Fitzsimmons appeal to buy presents for under-privileged families.

January 2008, £255, Diabetes Education Unit, Belfast City Hospital

April 2008, £100, St. Francis Xavier Missionary Society

April 2008, £175, St. Vincent de Paul

April 2008, £180, Trocaire

Previous Appeals

School Year 2006-2007

November 2006, £200, Cancer Walk by Past and Present Parents, Great Wall of China

December 2006, £390, Fr Tony Fitzsimmons appeal to buy presents for under-privileged families.

January 2007, £200, Concern

April 2007, £350, Trocaire

June 2007, £175, Help the Aged

Total raised in school year, £1315

School Year 2005-2006

October 2005, £215 Sr. Geraldine Henry to help finance a clinic in Nigeria.

December 2005, £350 Fr Tony Fitzsimmons appeal to buy presents for under-privileged families.

December 2005, £225 Cushendall Branch of Marie Curie.

April 2006, £250 Trocaire

June 2006, £175 Glens Branch Chernobyl Appeal.

Total raised in school year, £1215

Glenann's Sri Lanka Appeal 2005
Just after Christmas 2004 in the wake of the tsunami disaster, our school raised £2250 to finance the building of a fishing boat, to help one of the many stricken communities in Sri Lanka. The money was raised with the help of parents, pupils, teachers and the local communities. Maithri Guneratne sent a letter of thanks, on behalf of the Sri Lanka Appeal Group.

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